Sunday, September 02, 2018

Day Two - The Pink Drink

Starting things off slowly as I integrate Plexus into my daily routine. Starting my morning off with The Pink Drink 30 minutes before I have breakfast. My morning fasting blood sugar was 7.5 today.
Slim (the pink drink) has NO artificial sweeteners in it! So important to me!!! And it tastes delicious!

You might notice the sign on our mantle.... "It's never too late to get your shit together!" Right?!

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Day One - Let's get the Plexus party started!

September is here - time for a new season... and some changes. Life is full and incredibly busy - I am, and have always been, a work-o-holic - I LOVE to be busy - but with that my priorities tend to be on everyone and everything but me. So I've decided to try and make some small changes in my life that I believe will bring some significant results. My high blood pressure, high morning fasting blood sugar levels, gut health, weight that won't budge and out-of-control hormones need to get under control!

For the past year or so I have been experimenting with supplements to try and get my wacky hormones under control... having babies in your 40's does not do your body or hormones any good! While they have been working well in some areas I need a new plan - and after a lot of research, I'm going to try "the pink drink"! The Pink Drink AKA Slim from Plexus is just one supplement that I've been watching, learning and seeing some pretty incredible results from my friends over the past 6 months. Slim provides support for healthy glucose metabolism, supports cardiovascular health and helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Yup - time to jump in and see some results of my own!

Last week I ordered Plexus Slim, Bio Cleanse, XFactor Plus...and Joyōme skincare.

My box of health & happiness has arrived - and today is day one! Follow along and see what happens!

*Just to note: my morning fasting blood sugar was 8.5 this morning.(eek!)*

Friday, August 31, 2018

Healthy cookies?

*** Found my old blog...and this draft / unpublished post from a loooong time ago....William is now 7! LOL***

The kids were being monkeys this morning so I thought I'd try some distraction by baking cookies....
This was good and bad...Jack LOVES to help bake but wants to do everything himself and gets upset if I try to take over. William wants to be in the thick of things but lets face it, he's one...he can't do much but get underfoot, open all the cupboards and drawers and empty everything out!

Unfortunately after I'd already started the recipe I realized that I was missing a few I improvised and made up a new version as I went along...

Apple Oat Cookies
-makes 24 cookies-
Brown Sugar
Baking Soda
Gluten-Free Flour
Chocolate Chips

Bake for 11 minutes at 375

Super quick and easy! And happily, I think they turned out great and the kids loved them! Even hubby ate a few!

Friday, October 05, 2012

Made by Momma and the Aviva Community Fund

All I'm going to say is this... check out our Made by Momma video/application/idea. If you like the idea...just vote. That's all folks.

(Ok - well, you can vote once a day during each round)

Sunday, September 09, 2012

2013 Nominate a Role Mother - Rebecca Ghelfi - Role Mothers

2013 Nominate a Role Mother - Rebecca Ghelfi - Role Mothers

We are looking for some support in voting for Made by Momma Vice President - Rebecca Ghelfi - who has been nominated as a 2013 Role Mother. If she is one of the top 4 finalists, our charity will also get a $1000.00 donation! Whoo Hoo! You may vote once per IP address/computer until September 29th.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Well, well, well....

It's been a while my old friend! I know, I know.....too long. I just popped over to find an old photo of Jack's umbilical hernia.... LOL
I have about a dozen blog posts in draft form...but seriously have not had time to sit down and focus on editing & posting them. This year has been insane....4 kids, a busy husband, a poor neglected dog, running a growing charity with over 250 volunteers...there isn't much time left for momma. Ok - I admit - my new obsession is Pinterest! That site is so many awesome ideas, recipes, crafts, home decor projects.....I LOVE it!!! BUT - I really do enjoy blogging....we'll see if I can squeak some time in to get into a groove again.

Friday, July 08, 2011

So tired....

I guess that's what the 35th week of pregnancy will get you. My brain is tired though. So many things happening...and lots of work with Made by Momma that needs wrapping up. I have a to-do list a mile long...things that I REALLY want to get done before the new baby arrives...but just thinking of it all makes me want to have a nap. LOL

Thank GOD (really!) that Jack still takes afternoon naps!!! I would be insane otherwise.

Through the tiredness, I'm trying really hard to spend lots of fun/quality time with Jack every day doing something that he'll enjoy. This week we've gone to the Butterfly Spray Park, the Helicopter Playground and today we went to The Coffee Tot (and the Cupcake Shop!) And now I'm exhausted! Thank goodness it's Friday and hubby will be home for the weekend...I hope so anyway...he has a few jobs to finish up before baby arrives and has been working 6 and 7 days a week lately. Ugh.
And with Noah being away in Indiana at a Dive Camp for two weeks, I've lost my sometimes helper. But she comes home tonight! YAY!

Ok - I'm too tired to even type. I'm off.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

8 months.

Hmmmm. Well, it's been 8 months since I last pushed "publish" on this blog. Way too long. Oh wait - I do have a draft saved for Jack's 2nd birthday, yet to publish, as I hadn't downloaded the birthday pics yet. So bad. I'll get on that. Later.

Life is full and busy. So many things happening in our's hard to find the time to do much of anything other than the bare necessities. A husband, 3 kids, a baby on the way, working, volunteering and trying to find time to just enjoy it all. Some days I wonder what I'll look back on in 30 years and remember.

But I'm going to try it again.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

18 months old!

Seriously – where has the past 18 months gone? My little man is just that…not a “baby”, but a little person that can walk and talk! Time goes by so fast, some days it scares me how fast is whizzes past with barely a passing breeze. I really need to slow down and enjoy it more rather than rushing here, there and everywhere!

Jack is so amazing! I love that little guy so much, it’s crazy! I think the older you are when you have a child, the more you appreciate every little detail of their existence. I think I can safely say that as having had three kids at very different stages of my life, clearly I am the authority! Ha ha

Jack can say about 35 words now, which our family Doctor assures me is amazing!!! He was a bit slow do to a lot of things, but crawling up stairs and saying words came early.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Tanis Tzavaras

Hey Mamas,
If you can appreciate Tanis' story - she lost 100 pounds after her baby! - then VOTE for her to win the cover of Status Fitness Magazine!
Check out her photos - they are amazing!
Tanis Tzavaras

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

12 months old!!! Happy Birthday!


AT 12 months Jack can:

  • Say "Taz" (one of our dogs)
  • Nurses just 2x a day now: 8:30am & 2:30pm (Dr. says it's time to wean if we want another baby!)
  • Does not like being told "No!"
  • Puts his hand up to stop you if he is doing something he shouldn't be
  • Often has a hard time going down for naps unless mama naps with him...then he sleeps for hours!
  • Is a super-fast crawler
  • Loves to be "chased" by Noah
  • Is super sweet and cuddly!
  • Still only has two bottom teeth
  • Loves reading books...or turning the pages and mom tries to

Is the most incredible little man ever! The best wish come true!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

11 months old!


At 11 months...

  • Nurses 3 x a day: 8:30am, 2:30pm, 8:30pm
  • Says Mama. Dada, Dad, Up, Out (and what sounds like) Bad Dog & High Chair
  • Can pull himself up on the sides of his bassinet - time to move!
  • Can High-Five & Low-Five!
  • CRAWLS and can move super fast!
  • Can twist himself to standing in his high chair! YIKES!
  • Understands "No!" but protests by kicking his legs at you.
  • Loves to grab the dogs feet - They don't love it.
  • Has a fascination with any electrical cord.
  • Really loves playing with and chewing the dog dishes
  • Had his first taste of dry dog food - and he didn't like it!
  • Seems to really enjoy chewing the top railing of his expensive crib!
  • Spent many hours waiting at the Dr. office/Hospital and was soooooo good! (for mom & noah)
  • Is getting rather attached to his soothie! oh no...
  • Can climb the stairs - up only!
  • Can walk along the couch! :)
  • Really loves pushing buttons...phones, remotes, computers, tv's, PVR's etc.

Is getting into things but is super sweet doing it!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

10 months old!


10 months old!

  • Got his 1st tooth January 2nd - and was so good about it!
  • Got his second tooth right after too (bottom two)
  • Celebrated his 1st New Years Eve in Invermere at Bella Vista
  • Is pulling himself up on his dump truck
  • Can wave with his whole arm
  • Is getting very cheeky!!!
  • Loves to splash water!
  • Comes into bed every morning with mom & dad and usually goes back to sleep for a while longer
  • Gives hugs and they feel great!
  • Gives kisses...still wet and open-mouthed but so awesome!
  • LOVES music! We take all kinds of Cd's out of the library.
  • Loves dancing with mama!
  • Wears 9 month clothes
  • Size 3 Huggies Diapers
  • Only naps about 30 minutes at a time for mom
  • Finally is outgrowing most of his 6 - 9 month sized clothes
  • Really loves the dogs (they don't love him so much)
  • His favorite book is "Blue Train, Green Train" (Thomas the Tank)
  • Really enjoys going to Mother Goose with mama
  • Some days sports a mohawk! SO cute!

Is really a one-of-a-kind baby!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

9 months old!


And now Jack can:

  • Pushes himself off his tummy with straight arms
  • Tries to move around - still pre-crawling!
  • Lifts his arms up when wanting to be picked up
  • "Kisses" with a big wet open mouth!
  • LOVES the Jolly Jumper! He jumps way too high and maxes out the springs!
  • Nurses 4x a day plus eats 3 meals a day
  • Had the H1N1 Booster Shot
  • Threw up - the real stuff...not baby stuff. :)
  • Says "Mamamamamama..." only when upset and mom isn't around
  • Still sleeps in mom & dads room
  • Says Dad and Dada very clearly. (I think he means mom though!)
  • Stays with Grandma for a few hours 2x a week while mama goes to The Herald
  • Was babysat by Jordan & Noah!
  • Was babysat by Alana so mom & dad could go to the TC Xmas Party (on the worst winter night of the year!)
  • Snuggles into mamas neck and it feels so awesome!
  • Still has 3 naps a day! YAY!
  • Still sleeps in his bassinet at night time (beside mama!)
  • Its becoming harder to change his diaper as he rolls away
  • Chirps = very high pitched!
  • Uses his pointer finger to get his Nutrios closer
  • Can push himself backwards when on his tummy
  • LOVES finger foods! Hungry baby!

Is so amazing - we love, love, LOVE him!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Baby Jack is Eight Months!

Eight Months Old!

  • Can roll over on his own! YAY!
  • Says DaDaDaDa all the time.
  • sweet!
  • Snores. awwww
  • No teeth!!!
  • Had a little cold/sniffles. His first hint of any illness.
  • Wears size 6 - 9 months clothes.
  • Size 3 Huggies diapers.
  • Bangs his toys together.
  • No teeth yet!
  • Likes to grab his feet...and taste them. ew.
  • Does not seem to mind wearing a winter hat too much.
  • Loves his brother and sister and always giggles for them.
  • Drinks water by himself with his new sippy cup.
  • Does not enjoy getting strapped in the carseat when he is hungry or tired.
  • Can sit by himself without falling over. Most of the time.
  • Likes to "pet" the dogs and then pull their hair. Poor pups!
  • Is very content to play by himself for long periods of time.
  • If you say "bang, bang, bang" he will hit the table/floor/book/highchair 3x with his hands.
  • Knows his name when it's called.
  • Loves all things electronic...cell phones, cameras, laptops, remote controls...ugh.
  • Will complain, cry, scream when something is taken away from him and he still wants it. (see photo below, when the #8 was taken away!)

.... is perfect in every way!

Friday, October 23, 2009

7 months old!

7 months old!


  • Likes going to library programs - storytime & singing are the best!
  • Loves to chew on books!
  • Reaches for toys and things he wants.
  • Says da-da-da-da and La-la-la-la
  • Rolls onto his side, but not over.
  • Likes to drink water from a cup...but it makes a mess!
  • Has yet to watch a kids tv show or dvd.
  • Loves his Excersauser and Jumper-Roo
  • Will bounce up and down in either if you tell him to "Bounce-Bounce-Bounce"!
  • Can wave by opening and closing his fingers...only on his left hand and not always on command!
  • Loves to play with the tags on anything!
  • Stayed in the nursery at Church while mom was with her MOPS group.
  • So far likes solids...he started with Avocado, then Banana, the Organic Rice Cereal...
  • Has never had formula.
  • Got a super cute high chair and loves to sit in it!

 a super cool little guy!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

6 months - half a year old!

Baby Jack is now 6 months to a year already!




  • Blows raspberries and thinks it's pretty funny!
  • Will sit still long enough to get his nails clipped...good boy!
  • Has 3 little white spots on his bottom left it coming in soon?
  • Loves to watch the dogs and grab their fur as they walk by
  • Went for his second trip to Invermere and was so good.
  • Can click his tongue.
  • His umbilical hernia is finally shrinking! Yay!
  • Has yet to roll over by himself. He doesn't even try...LOL
  • Can almost sit up by himself...but only with help.
  • Only likes sitting in the bumbo for short periods of time.
  • Still enjoys swinging in the swing and laying under his playmat.
  • Just started to wear size 3 huggies.
  • Still has blue eyes with bits of green flecks.
  • Can reach for things with both hands.
  • Will stare at the tv if it's on and he happens to be in the room.
  • Sits forward facing in his stroller and loves to see the world like that.
  • Laughs like crazy when the dogs's so funny!
  • Is showing all signs that he is ready for solids! Oh boy! the most amazing blessing!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Baby Jack is 5 months old!

What's up at 5 months?


  • Always has HUGE smiles when he wakes up from his naps
  • Loves to chew/suck on his Sophie Giraffe
  • Has soft blonde hair on his toes & fingers
  • Babbles and sings
  • Went to the Zoo for the first time
  • Sat in a highchair for the 1st time (at the zoo!)
  • Is a very efficient nurser - average 5 - 8 minutes from start to finish
  • Seems to be throwing up less
  • Loves to look at Pooh, Tigger & Piglet on his baby wipes container
  • Has long, full gorgeous eye lashes!
  • Kicks one leg (usually his left) when he is going to get upset
  • Tends to grab things with his right hand
  • Has met his 2nd cousins Jordan & Jorran (SP?) from China
  • Goes to bed between 9 - 10 pm and sleeps till 5- 7 am - YEAH!
  • Has a bath with Noah in the BIG tub and loves it!
  • Likes mom to rub his gums...there is something coming in there soon!
  • Moves around on his circles usually...
  • Gets easily distracted when nursing...all noises MUST be meant for him!
  • Happily SCREAMS...he loves to hear himself!
  • Got a Baby Einstein Jumper and loves the toys, but he can't bounce yet.
  • Has slept 9 hours straight a few times! :)
  • Likes to suck on a wet (or dry) cloth
  • Has a fairly predictable eat-activity-sleep routine.
  • Has tiny flecks of green/brown around his pupils...but his eyes are still really blue!
  • Is great at pulling out his soother...not too great at getting it back in though
  • Can grab, kick, shake his toys - although not with too much precision
  • Goes to sleep happily & easily (95% of the time)
  • Drank breast milk from a sippy cup and liked it! But it was messy!

Is the BESTEST baby ever!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The important 5....

5 positives about my darling hubby:
1) Was so amazing when we were all in shock over the death of our friends 18 year old daughter. He was so helpful with Jack, made himself available for whatever; driving us around, coming to the funeral, visiting the family etc. It was such a tough couple of weeks and he was so "there" for us.
2) I'm so lucky that my hubby works his ass off when he can. Sometimes it's too much, but I know he does it for us. (Today will be a 12 - 13 hour day!)
3) Loves to rent movies and hang out at home...with me!
4) Went to pick up my girlfriend and her daughter (Noah's BFF) at the airport at 9:30 pm as Jack was eating and I couldn't go...even though he was dead tired!
5) Is always up for inviting people over to visit, or for dinner or drinks. So social! (unlike myself at times)

5 Self-Care Actions:
1) Went with Noah & Jen for pedicures. I have the cutest purple toes you ever did see!
2) Have been organizing my scrapbook stuff at our old house so I can actually get some pages complete when we move back.
3) I've been very good about taking my calcium and vitamin D supplements.
4) Registered (and attended) the first of 4 Baby & You classes through the Health Region. It's so nice to get out and be with people in the same boat!
5) Went to a meetup for breakfast (at Cora's... mmmmmmmm) with two total strangers and their babies! Ack! So not me...but I enjoyed it!

Gotta get Giggles.....