Saturday, September 01, 2018

Day One - Let's get the Plexus party started!

September is here - time for a new season... and some changes. Life is full and incredibly busy - I am, and have always been, a work-o-holic - I LOVE to be busy - but with that my priorities tend to be on everyone and everything but me. So I've decided to try and make some small changes in my life that I believe will bring some significant results. My high blood pressure, high morning fasting blood sugar levels, gut health, weight that won't budge and out-of-control hormones need to get under control!

For the past year or so I have been experimenting with supplements to try and get my wacky hormones under control... having babies in your 40's does not do your body or hormones any good! While they have been working well in some areas I need a new plan - and after a lot of research, I'm going to try "the pink drink"! The Pink Drink AKA Slim from Plexus is just one supplement that I've been watching, learning and seeing some pretty incredible results from my friends over the past 6 months. Slim provides support for healthy glucose metabolism, supports cardiovascular health and helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Yup - time to jump in and see some results of my own!

Last week I ordered Plexus Slim, Bio Cleanse, XFactor Plus...and Joyōme skincare.

My box of health & happiness has arrived - and today is day one! Follow along and see what happens!

*Just to note: my morning fasting blood sugar was 8.5 this morning.(eek!)*

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