Friday, August 31, 2018

Healthy cookies?

*** Found my old blog...and this draft / unpublished post from a loooong time ago....William is now 7! LOL***

The kids were being monkeys this morning so I thought I'd try some distraction by baking cookies....
This was good and bad...Jack LOVES to help bake but wants to do everything himself and gets upset if I try to take over. William wants to be in the thick of things but lets face it, he's one...he can't do much but get underfoot, open all the cupboards and drawers and empty everything out!

Unfortunately after I'd already started the recipe I realized that I was missing a few I improvised and made up a new version as I went along...

Apple Oat Cookies
-makes 24 cookies-
Brown Sugar
Baking Soda
Gluten-Free Flour
Chocolate Chips

Bake for 11 minutes at 375

Super quick and easy! And happily, I think they turned out great and the kids loved them! Even hubby ate a few!

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