Wednesday, September 23, 2009

6 months - half a year old!

Baby Jack is now 6 months to a year already!




  • Blows raspberries and thinks it's pretty funny!
  • Will sit still long enough to get his nails clipped...good boy!
  • Has 3 little white spots on his bottom left it coming in soon?
  • Loves to watch the dogs and grab their fur as they walk by
  • Went for his second trip to Invermere and was so good.
  • Can click his tongue.
  • His umbilical hernia is finally shrinking! Yay!
  • Has yet to roll over by himself. He doesn't even try...LOL
  • Can almost sit up by himself...but only with help.
  • Only likes sitting in the bumbo for short periods of time.
  • Still enjoys swinging in the swing and laying under his playmat.
  • Just started to wear size 3 huggies.
  • Still has blue eyes with bits of green flecks.
  • Can reach for things with both hands.
  • Will stare at the tv if it's on and he happens to be in the room.
  • Sits forward facing in his stroller and loves to see the world like that.
  • Laughs like crazy when the dogs's so funny!
  • Is showing all signs that he is ready for solids! Oh boy! the most amazing blessing!

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