Tuesday, March 23, 2010

12 months old!!! Happy Birthday!


AT 12 months Jack can:

  • Say "Taz" (one of our dogs)
  • Nurses just 2x a day now: 8:30am & 2:30pm (Dr. says it's time to wean if we want another baby!)
  • Does not like being told "No!"
  • Puts his hand up to stop you if he is doing something he shouldn't be
  • Often has a hard time going down for naps unless mama naps with him...then he sleeps for hours!
  • Is a super-fast crawler
  • Loves to be "chased" by Noah
  • Is super sweet and cuddly!
  • Still only has two bottom teeth
  • Loves reading books...or turning the pages and mom tries to read...fast.

Is the most incredible little man ever! The best wish come true!

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