Tuesday, February 23, 2010

11 months old!


At 11 months...

  • Nurses 3 x a day: 8:30am, 2:30pm, 8:30pm
  • Says Mama. Dada, Dad, Up, Out (and what sounds like) Bad Dog & High Chair
  • Can pull himself up on the sides of his bassinet - time to move!
  • Can High-Five & Low-Five!
  • CRAWLS and can move super fast!
  • Can twist himself to standing in his high chair! YIKES!
  • Understands "No!" but protests by kicking his legs at you.
  • Loves to grab the dogs feet - They don't love it.
  • Has a fascination with any electrical cord.
  • Really loves playing with and chewing the dog dishes
  • Had his first taste of dry dog food - and he didn't like it!
  • Seems to really enjoy chewing the top railing of his expensive crib!
  • Spent many hours waiting at the Dr. office/Hospital and was soooooo good! (for mom & noah)
  • Is getting rather attached to his soothie! oh no...
  • Can climb the stairs - up only!
  • Can walk along the couch! :)
  • Really loves pushing buttons...phones, remotes, computers, tv's, PVR's etc.

Is getting into things but is super sweet doing it!

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