Friday, July 08, 2011

So tired....

I guess that's what the 35th week of pregnancy will get you. My brain is tired though. So many things happening...and lots of work with Made by Momma that needs wrapping up. I have a to-do list a mile long...things that I REALLY want to get done before the new baby arrives...but just thinking of it all makes me want to have a nap. LOL

Thank GOD (really!) that Jack still takes afternoon naps!!! I would be insane otherwise.

Through the tiredness, I'm trying really hard to spend lots of fun/quality time with Jack every day doing something that he'll enjoy. This week we've gone to the Butterfly Spray Park, the Helicopter Playground and today we went to The Coffee Tot (and the Cupcake Shop!) And now I'm exhausted! Thank goodness it's Friday and hubby will be home for the weekend...I hope so anyway...he has a few jobs to finish up before baby arrives and has been working 6 and 7 days a week lately. Ugh.
And with Noah being away in Indiana at a Dive Camp for two weeks, I've lost my sometimes helper. But she comes home tonight! YAY!

Ok - I'm too tired to even type. I'm off.

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