Thursday, September 23, 2010

18 months old!

Seriously – where has the past 18 months gone? My little man is just that…not a “baby”, but a little person that can walk and talk! Time goes by so fast, some days it scares me how fast is whizzes past with barely a passing breeze. I really need to slow down and enjoy it more rather than rushing here, there and everywhere!

Jack is so amazing! I love that little guy so much, it’s crazy! I think the older you are when you have a child, the more you appreciate every little detail of their existence. I think I can safely say that as having had three kids at very different stages of my life, clearly I am the authority! Ha ha

Jack can say about 35 words now, which our family Doctor assures me is amazing!!! He was a bit slow do to a lot of things, but crawling up stairs and saying words came early.


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