Wednesday, December 23, 2009

9 months old!


And now Jack can:

  • Pushes himself off his tummy with straight arms
  • Tries to move around - still pre-crawling!
  • Lifts his arms up when wanting to be picked up
  • "Kisses" with a big wet open mouth!
  • LOVES the Jolly Jumper! He jumps way too high and maxes out the springs!
  • Nurses 4x a day plus eats 3 meals a day
  • Had the H1N1 Booster Shot
  • Threw up - the real stuff...not baby stuff. :)
  • Says "Mamamamamama..." only when upset and mom isn't around
  • Still sleeps in mom & dads room
  • Says Dad and Dada very clearly. (I think he means mom though!)
  • Stays with Grandma for a few hours 2x a week while mama goes to The Herald
  • Was babysat by Jordan & Noah!
  • Was babysat by Alana so mom & dad could go to the TC Xmas Party (on the worst winter night of the year!)
  • Snuggles into mamas neck and it feels so awesome!
  • Still has 3 naps a day! YAY!
  • Still sleeps in his bassinet at night time (beside mama!)
  • Its becoming harder to change his diaper as he rolls away
  • Chirps = very high pitched!
  • Uses his pointer finger to get his Nutrios closer
  • Can push himself backwards when on his tummy
  • LOVES finger foods! Hungry baby!

Is so amazing - we love, love, LOVE him!

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