Friday, June 05, 2009

Happy Anniversary to us....

June 5th, 2009...our 5th wedding anniversary!

Ten years into our relationship and 5 years into our marriage, our marriage is as strong as ever. It has had some ups and downs for sure, but somehow it does get better and better.

I'm so lucky to have a husband that can live with me and put up with my occasional crazies and often irrational behaviour.

Five years ago today we were in Stanley Park, Vancouver BC celebrating with our family & friends. Afterwards we boarded the Radiance of the Seas and headed out on a week long cruise to Alaska...with some of our family in tow....which we affectionately called our "FamilyMoon". LOL

I was really hoping that we would be on another cruise to Alaska to celebrate our 5th...but it doesn't look like that'll happen any time soon. I can't even blame it on Jack, but rather simply the amount of work that has to get done on the houses and in the business. Anthony doesn't feel like he can get away for a whole week. Ugh. I hope that doesn't last too long. I'd like at least a summer vacation this year.

I think cruising with a baby wouldn't be too bad. I mean you can bring a stroller and a playpen on board and there is always lots to do. I don't know, we'll see.

To celebrate our day....we went out the night after for a somewhat rushed dinner at Cactus Club while Anthony's mum watched Jack. I had an awesome steak with grilled shrimp, asparagus and creamy mashed potatoes. MMMMMM!

A traditional 5th anniversary gift is wood. So one of the gifts I bought Anthony is a book...(that came from wood, right?!) A Lion Called Christian. If you haven't heard about it, it's a great story about forever love. Appropriate, I thought, for our anniversary.

You can watch a clip on YouTube - it's a beautiful story...

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