Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jack at 3 months...

Our beautiful baby boy is 3 months old!

At 3 months Jack....

Weighs: 13 pounds (50th percentile)
Length: 24 (50th percentile) (original length of 23" was reported wrong at birth!)
Head Circumference: (25th percentile)
  • Smiles & Flirts! Awwwwwww!
  • Is so much more aware of what is happening around him
  • Listens intently when being spoken to
  • Loves to "talk back"
  • Has great eye contact
  • Has strong legs - for standing and kicking!
  • Holds onto my shirt with his free hand while nursing
  • Is no longer swaddled at night - he uses a sleep sack.
  • Wears Huggies size 1/2 diapers but are also looking at using cloth ones
  • Drools a lot!
  • Loves to go for walks while in the Snugli
  • Has a pretty big bald spot on the back of his head from his hair rubbing off
  • Doesn't like to hold still for nail trimming so it must be done during naps
  • Went to Invermere for a weekend and was a great baby
  • Has figured out how to hold his hands and thread his fingers like he's making an evil plan
  • Loves his Rainforest Swing - he watches the mobile intensely!
  • Nurses 6 - 7 times a day
  • Pukes.A.Lot
  • Generally must eat every 3 hours during the day
  • Can now sleep 4 - 5 hours straight at night
  • Once slept from 7pm - 2am - 7 hours! But mom didn't sleep at all!
  • Tries to shove his entire hand in his mouth
  • Usually wets through a diaper and needs a change of clothes once a day
  • Usually spits up all over and needs a change of clothes twice a day
  • Loves to be held upright so he is looking over your shoulder at the world
  • Takes baby Zantac twice a day to help with a possible acid-reflux problem
  • Has yet to sleep in his crib in his room
  • Met a new baby friend named Gordie - born about 2 weeks after him
  • Went to his first wedding and was a great baby the whole time - thanks Dean & Jane!
  • Has bad gas when mom has any kind of dairy products
  • Is not quite ready to sit by himself in his bumbo
  • Usually blows out a diaper or two every few days with a HUGE runny poop!
  • Got a bit of a sunburn on his face when Dad, uncle Greg & cousin Ben went for a walk on Nosehill
    ...Is a GREAT BABY!

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