Thursday, June 04, 2009

Wow...June has arrived!

I can't believe that June is here! Oh how time passes so quickly!

My sister Kathie (or Katie as she prefers) left this morning to return to Jasper for the summer to work and save her money so she can spend the 6 months of winter in Thailand. I'll miss having someone around the house and we'll all surely miss her Thai cooking! The spicy shit too! ha ha ha Jack will miss her wild car seat rocking & bouncy chair shaking (which was somehow soothing). I'm sure our dogs will miss her the most though as she took them out with her and babied them. My poor husband however, will not miss having another bossy wife-like person around!

Jack is growing and changing so much each day. He is such a great baby. He has his moments and his tummy troubles are not always easy, but we are sooooo, so lucky to have him. His personality and temperament are a perfect fit for us.

Noah finished her last day of training at her gym club. I can't say I'm happy or sad...I'm really both. Relief that she doesn't have to put up with poor coaching and clashing personalities, but a little sad that it ended like this for her. It's hard to spend years and years at a club and walk away feeling like you have no idea what that club stands for or believes in. It certainly is evolving into something that does not fit our beliefs anyway. See ya later!

Jordan has slunk off to Germany for a university exchange program. Maybe I should say that he snuck off and is hiding out in Germany...I don't know. But I know that he did not do any of the things he was supposed to do before going there. So we are not very happy with him. And it will not be the same when he returns...lots of changes will be it or not.

Anthony is busy with his business and trying to get the Dalhousie house in order and working away at the little things to be finished at North Haven. There is so much on his plate some days I worry he will have a breakdown...but he is strong and persists. Geez - I love that man!

Me, I'm just a mommy for now. Trying to get some sleep and stay on top of the house. But I'm looking forward to some sunny afternoons on the North Haven deck...maybe enjoying a glass of wine...mmmmmmm.
And I have to start looking after me. I know this. I preach this. I don't do it. Will work some more on it.
And I am trying to register for prenatal yoga at TC but so far there is not enough to run the class. Booooo.

Jack is about to wake up from a nap in his car seat - we took Noah to her ortho appointment this morning - so I should go make a cup of tea and eat something while I have the chance!

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