Monday, June 29, 2009


5 positives about my darling hubby:
1) He loves where our marriage and family are at
2) Is talking about/planning when would be an ideal time to have another baby (ack!)
3) Did not not complain about the amount of stuff that I packed for our weekend in Invermere
4) He is so caring and loving to Jack
5) Can always get a grin and a giggle out of Noah even when being 13 seems impossible

5 Self-Care Actions:
1) Bought myself a cute top & sweater at H&M
2) Left Jack with daddy and went for a pedicure with my sister Jen
3) Have been taking Taz & Jack on big walks once or twice a week
4) Talked with a nice woman on-line and met up with her and her baby in the park one afternoon
5) Have been trying to nap (without guilt) in the afternoons with Jack

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jack at 3 months...

Our beautiful baby boy is 3 months old!

At 3 months Jack....

Weighs: 13 pounds (50th percentile)
Length: 24 (50th percentile) (original length of 23" was reported wrong at birth!)
Head Circumference: (25th percentile)
  • Smiles & Flirts! Awwwwwww!
  • Is so much more aware of what is happening around him
  • Listens intently when being spoken to
  • Loves to "talk back"
  • Has great eye contact
  • Has strong legs - for standing and kicking!
  • Holds onto my shirt with his free hand while nursing
  • Is no longer swaddled at night - he uses a sleep sack.
  • Wears Huggies size 1/2 diapers but are also looking at using cloth ones
  • Drools a lot!
  • Loves to go for walks while in the Snugli
  • Has a pretty big bald spot on the back of his head from his hair rubbing off
  • Doesn't like to hold still for nail trimming so it must be done during naps
  • Went to Invermere for a weekend and was a great baby
  • Has figured out how to hold his hands and thread his fingers like he's making an evil plan
  • Loves his Rainforest Swing - he watches the mobile intensely!
  • Nurses 6 - 7 times a day
  • Pukes.A.Lot
  • Generally must eat every 3 hours during the day
  • Can now sleep 4 - 5 hours straight at night
  • Once slept from 7pm - 2am - 7 hours! But mom didn't sleep at all!
  • Tries to shove his entire hand in his mouth
  • Usually wets through a diaper and needs a change of clothes once a day
  • Usually spits up all over and needs a change of clothes twice a day
  • Loves to be held upright so he is looking over your shoulder at the world
  • Takes baby Zantac twice a day to help with a possible acid-reflux problem
  • Has yet to sleep in his crib in his room
  • Met a new baby friend named Gordie - born about 2 weeks after him
  • Went to his first wedding and was a great baby the whole time - thanks Dean & Jane!
  • Has bad gas when mom has any kind of dairy products
  • Is not quite ready to sit by himself in his bumbo
  • Usually blows out a diaper or two every few days with a HUGE runny poop!
  • Got a bit of a sunburn on his face when Dad, uncle Greg & cousin Ben went for a walk on Nosehill
    ...Is a GREAT BABY!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Happy Anniversary to us....

June 5th, 2009...our 5th wedding anniversary!

Ten years into our relationship and 5 years into our marriage, our marriage is as strong as ever. It has had some ups and downs for sure, but somehow it does get better and better.

I'm so lucky to have a husband that can live with me and put up with my occasional crazies and often irrational behaviour.

Five years ago today we were in Stanley Park, Vancouver BC celebrating with our family & friends. Afterwards we boarded the Radiance of the Seas and headed out on a week long cruise to Alaska...with some of our family in tow....which we affectionately called our "FamilyMoon". LOL

I was really hoping that we would be on another cruise to Alaska to celebrate our 5th...but it doesn't look like that'll happen any time soon. I can't even blame it on Jack, but rather simply the amount of work that has to get done on the houses and in the business. Anthony doesn't feel like he can get away for a whole week. Ugh. I hope that doesn't last too long. I'd like at least a summer vacation this year.

I think cruising with a baby wouldn't be too bad. I mean you can bring a stroller and a playpen on board and there is always lots to do. I don't know, we'll see.

To celebrate our day....we went out the night after for a somewhat rushed dinner at Cactus Club while Anthony's mum watched Jack. I had an awesome steak with grilled shrimp, asparagus and creamy mashed potatoes. MMMMMM!

A traditional 5th anniversary gift is wood. So one of the gifts I bought Anthony is a book...(that came from wood, right?!) A Lion Called Christian. If you haven't heard about it, it's a great story about forever love. Appropriate, I thought, for our anniversary.

You can watch a clip on YouTube - it's a beautiful story...

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Wow...June has arrived!

I can't believe that June is here! Oh how time passes so quickly!

My sister Kathie (or Katie as she prefers) left this morning to return to Jasper for the summer to work and save her money so she can spend the 6 months of winter in Thailand. I'll miss having someone around the house and we'll all surely miss her Thai cooking! The spicy shit too! ha ha ha Jack will miss her wild car seat rocking & bouncy chair shaking (which was somehow soothing). I'm sure our dogs will miss her the most though as she took them out with her and babied them. My poor husband however, will not miss having another bossy wife-like person around!

Jack is growing and changing so much each day. He is such a great baby. He has his moments and his tummy troubles are not always easy, but we are sooooo, so lucky to have him. His personality and temperament are a perfect fit for us.

Noah finished her last day of training at her gym club. I can't say I'm happy or sad...I'm really both. Relief that she doesn't have to put up with poor coaching and clashing personalities, but a little sad that it ended like this for her. It's hard to spend years and years at a club and walk away feeling like you have no idea what that club stands for or believes in. It certainly is evolving into something that does not fit our beliefs anyway. See ya later!

Jordan has slunk off to Germany for a university exchange program. Maybe I should say that he snuck off and is hiding out in Germany...I don't know. But I know that he did not do any of the things he was supposed to do before going there. So we are not very happy with him. And it will not be the same when he returns...lots of changes will be it or not.

Anthony is busy with his business and trying to get the Dalhousie house in order and working away at the little things to be finished at North Haven. There is so much on his plate some days I worry he will have a breakdown...but he is strong and persists. Geez - I love that man!

Me, I'm just a mommy for now. Trying to get some sleep and stay on top of the house. But I'm looking forward to some sunny afternoons on the North Haven deck...maybe enjoying a glass of wine...mmmmmmm.
And I have to start looking after me. I know this. I preach this. I don't do it. Will work some more on it.
And I am trying to register for prenatal yoga at TC but so far there is not enough to run the class. Booooo.

Jack is about to wake up from a nap in his car seat - we took Noah to her ortho appointment this morning - so I should go make a cup of tea and eat something while I have the chance!