Sunday, May 17, 2009


Here are my 5 positives about my husband for the past week....

1) I have a husband who will give up some of his sleep in order to let me rest if it was a long night. Lucky me!
2) He always fills my van with gas before it needs any, and washes it for me just because.
3) He insists on pushing the stroller or the shopping cart if Jack is in it, when we are out shopping . I think it's really sweet and cute!
4) He made a great business decision last week to eliminate someone difficult that will lesson his stress and benefit our family in the long run.
5) He loves me even when I am crazy and unreasonable.
6) Bonus! He took two days off this long weekend - which is very rare! And even though he had a long to-do list for the weekend, he hung out with Jack while I had 3 - yup - 3 naps, to catch up on my 2 hour night. He took Jack to do the cardboard recycling and also took Jack when he went to pick Noah and her friend up after swimming at TC.

And here are my 5 self-care actions for the past week....

1) Took Jack in the Snugli & went for a few short walks with Taz.
2) Did not let myself get sucked into more volunteering than I could handle.
3) Finished a photo project I'd been putting off.
4) Baked some very healthy and yummy Chocolate Bran muffins.
5) Went on a quick but fun shopping trip with Noah and my sister Kathie. AND went on a different (and also quick) shopping trip with my sister Jennifer!

Ok - a couple stretches, but it's getting better... It definitely helps that Jack is now getting a bit more predictable so it's easier to go out and not worry that he'll be screaming to eat the whole time. I know I still need to work on more me-time...but it's coming....

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