Monday, May 18, 2009

Jack at 2 months old!

Baby Jack at 2 months old....

What's happening now....

  • Weighs 10+ pounds...finally!
  • Is beginning to's so sweet!
  • Has spent most weekends at gymnastics meets
  • Has been to Edmonton, Lethbridge, Brooks, Okotoks
  • Likes to lay under his play gym and look at the hanging toys
  • Has a rather large umbilical hernia...poor baby!
  • Enjoys his soother when tired
  • Is taking BioGaia Probiotics
  • Is a really loud farter!
  • Has been to the Chiropractor once
  • Is a great breastfeeder
  • Throws up a lot!
  • Is just starting to stare intently on occasion
  • Is starting to smile with much prodding from mommy
  • Has a ticklish spot by his hip bone
  • Has a pretty loose routine
  • Seems to sneeze a lot - always in threes, like mommy!
  • Laughs in his sleep, but never when awake
  • Cries rarely but shows his temper when really hungry
  • Gets tears in his eyes when sad.
  • Loves his tummy turtle - he kicks his legs & holds his head up high
  • Still sleeps in his bassinet beside our bed
  • Sleeps best in a double swaddle at bedtime
  • Likes his car seat
  • Wears size 1 Huggies diapers - but still fits in newborn
  • Will stare at the light/shadows of the windows for long periods
  • Wears size 0-3 months clothes - he can still wear some NB outfits though
  • Likes short naps in his vibrating chair
  • Nurses 7-8 times a day plus a BM bottle at bedtime from daddy
  • Has never had formula
  • Still has big blue eyes
  • Sleeps on his back most of the time
  • Has a longer daytime nap if he is put on his tummy
  • Loves the snugli
  • Likes to hold hands
  • Gave mommy a card and a dozen beautiful roses for Mother's Day

1 comment:

Memory Junction said...

He is so adorable... Dakota and I are oohhhhinng and ahhhhhiinnng! LOL! Lots of aweeeessssss in there too! {{{hugs}}}