Friday, October 31, 2008

It's been awhile...

Yes, I know, it's been some time since my last blog update. August 9th, I believe. Looking back at the calendar now, I would have been 4 weeks pregnant that weekend.
And yes, that means Anthony & I are expecting a baby...YES, I said a spring! After 3 - 4 years of not really trying to prevent happens out of the blue!
I was feeling pretty tired and cranky and really, blogging was the last thing on my mind!
And honestly, it's been a roller coaster ride...lots of different emotions and feelings of happiness mixed with stress and uncertainty.

At this point I am now just about 17 weeks....and so much has happened since August!

We are living in the new house...well, sort of...we have not moved everything in...just what we need to live...not all the junk! There is still A LOT of little things that need to be done...some light fixtures, the main floor bathroom sink/lights, fence and yard worked on, paint touch ups...etc. etc. etc. And we still do not have a fridge, dishwasher or an oven, but the cooktop is installed and we have out old little bar fridge and my GF lent me a portable little counter top oven. However I have not felt too much like cooking. But with Christmas coming I'm going to want to do some I hope those appliances come soon!

Jordan is still in the old house as it's closer to school and the train to get to work. I think he enjoys it, but he is buying all of his own groceries, which is a wake up call! He eats a lot!
Jordan doesn't have too much to say about the new baby-to-be, but he says he hopes it's a boy, of course.

Noah is still in gymnastics but not really enjoying like she has in the past. There are coaching issues that do not appear to be changing so I think she is on her way out. It makes me sad as she still loves the sport so much, but she comes home feeling bad after training and I hate to see her like that. I feel pretty let down by the whole club and the attitude it has.

She has however, been invited to join a competitive diving she is trying that out 4x a week right now. She seems to enjoy it. I asked what she loves about it and one of the things she said was..."Well, for one thing, no-one screams at you in diving!" Hmmmm....kinda puts THAT into perspective, doesn't it?
Noah is very excited about the new baby...and she has done very well, keeping this little secret to herself for quite some time now! Naturally, she hopes it is a girl!

Anthony wants a boy but thinks it's a girl.
I think I'd prefer a girl but think it's a boy. But I change my mind all the time.

I was so, so fortunate, that I haven't have one moment of morning sickness! There were days where I didn't feel great, but I was never sick. Which is so different from being pregnant with Jordan & Noah. But the tiredness...THAT is another story! I'm still tired and waiting not-so-patiently for the second trimester burst of energy!

However, we did get a little surprise when we went for my first prenatal appointment...
...apparently my left ventricle (in my heart) does not relax, which is kinda dangerous. I had these chest pains and shortness of breath last December and was sent for an Echo last January. Well, somehow the results were not read, or read incorrectly by my family Dr. and nothing was ever relayed back to me that there might be a problem. 9 months later....When we went for the 1st prenatal appointment I said that I was really having a hard time breathing and Dr. said oh that's normal in pregnancy, and I was, this isn't normal. It's not normal that after one small flight of stairs I feel like I'm having a heart attack! So she said, didn't you have an echo last January?, and I said yes and she said that she would go back and have another look at the results...well she did and was pretty upset because she missed seeing this heart problem! She was freaking...that and the fact that she thought it could be twins because of the size and location of my uterus! Oh she referred me to a high risk OBGYN and a Cardiologist.

Since then, I am being treated with medication to control my blood pressure, which is controlling my heart for now...we just wait and see and take it easy. The number one rule is....NO STRESS. ha ha...yeah right.

We also went in for a Nuchal Translucency ultrasound to check on the probability of having a baby with Downs Syndrome...and the numbers looked really good. Yesterday we had an Amnio, which was a little painful, but tolerable. The results won't be known for another two weeks though. So much fun!

Well, that's it for today...I'm supposed to be taking the weekend off to rest after the amnio, but I still have a ton of stuff to do! Halloween tonight for one thing! Silent Auction for the gym tomorrow night....

1 comment:

Teresa (aka tmom) said...

Oh my goodness Allyson it has been a long time and i just found your blog! A huge congrats on being pregnant! How exciting!