Thursday, January 08, 2009

Happy 2009!

Wow - so here we another year already...where does the time go?
2008 was a crazy, strange year but all in all productive and fulfilling in the end!


Dear Family & Friends!

I hope that this note finds you all healthy & happy! Our lives are so busy that we are finding it hard to keep up with everyone and the Internet via Facebook & Blog Posts seems to be the norm now.

So happy 2009!

We are all doing well...happy and grateful for the wonderful things that life can bring.
I guess our biggest news is that we are expecting a baby in April! A baby boy! I am just entering the final stretch - the third trimester. So far I have been feeling pretty great...with the exception of tiredness, and some trouble breathing...oh and a slightly painful fibroid in my uterus....but really, I feel better than lots of pregnant people I know! LOL
I went back to the Calgary Herald for the Christmas Fund again, in addition to my regular job, so it's really been a crazy busy few months. I'm looking forward to things slowing down to a dull roar!

Christmas was fun, we spent it in the beautiful North Haven house...and it was lovely! We hosted Christmas Day Brunch for Anthony's family and Christmas Dinner for some of my family and friends. Boxing Day saw the arrival of our good friends the Willicks who came to stay during their son's hockey tournament. It was so great having a house full of people all week.

Life is moving along at full speed ahead. We are looking for a new house and hope to put the two we still own on the market...even though it's not the best time to sell, it is a great time to buy! So we are keeping on eye on the areas that we would love to live in and we'll see what comes up.

Anthony is busy with his painting company and still works at least 6 days a week. He is getting very excited about the baby and has said that maybe we should have a few more after this one...ha ha ha! Funny guy, huh? No really, there is such a big age gap between the kids, it might be really nice to have a couple that are closer in age....we'll see...maybe we'll just let nature do it's thing and see what happens.

Jordan is very busy in his second year of University. He has added a second degree now so his first major is German with a minor in Russian and a second degree in International Relations. It's all very cool and we are so proud of him! He has been accepted into a University exchange program for this spring in Germany to study at a University there and then take on a two-month work experience project. So once again, he'll be spending the spring & summer in Europe! Lucky kid!

Noah is in her final year of gymnastics and gearing up for some competitions all over Alberta and in Vancouver & Montreal. She has also joined a competitive diving club and learning all kinds of great new skills. It looks like she be competing in both sports this year - geez - she is an amazing athlete!
She is now in grade seven and still in the Spanish program and doing well. She joined the volleyball team at school and did really well, and she also started Band this year - she is playing the TUBA! She's a busy kid as she is also still involved in Girl Guides as a Pathfinder, but it seems to work for her! She is happy and healthy and as funny as can never say that kid doesn't have a great personality!

And that's the Coles' notes version of where our lives are right now. And all in all we are expecting a very exciting 2009!

Wishing you all a very happy and magical 2009!

With Love,
Allyson, Anthony, Jordan & Noah

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