Saturday, August 09, 2008

5 positives about my husband....

My 5 POSITIVE THINGS about my husband for this week

1) He took some time off this past weekend to spend it with me looking all over town at dining tables and patio sets for our new house. He was very good about not complaining even after many stores.

2) We found an "Irish Coast" table that we both loved and luckily it was a floor model that was on sale and ready to buy. We decided to think about it as all of our cash is going into the new house right now...but Anth got up early the next day and figured out how to make it work and went to buy the table.

3) Noah really wanted to go to a rock climbing camp this past week as she had the week off of babysitting. And even though Anth would have to drive her there each day (and interrupt his work day), he agreed to it and took her down there to register and pay. And she was so happy and loved every minute of it!

4) My sweet hubby asked me on two dates this past week. The last one was a great dinner at a cute little restaurant we love & a movie that he let me pick -which he loved! It was fun!

5) Poor honey has been working his hiney off on the new house - sometimes staying well past 8 pm at night. I think he is getting lots done and I am not nagging him to come home. Works well.

6) My dear hubby has been affectionate and caring this past week. Sending me "I love you" text messages and such. I like it.

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