Friday, June 13, 2008


Seriously! It feels like the longest week ever...and even though I am heading into a crazy busy weekend as well...I'm glad that it is almost MONDAY!
What does Monday mean? That there will be a new chief at the gym! It's the AGM and at about 8pm - I'M OUT OF THERE!!!
I will sit on the board as Past President (for an additional TWO years!!!) but I am happy just to be rid of the never ending stress and crazy parents & coaches.

Even with that excitement on the horizon, I've felt kinda blue this week. I think it could have a lot to do with the weather - overcast, rainy, sure doesn't feel like summer! But it has been really hard to shake. It could be just that I'm busy and have not had a lot of down time. The work at the house is going at a snails pace...kinda like watching paint dry. And it could be that someone is coming back to town that I am not looking forward to having in or near our lives. I don't know - probably a combination of everything. I've been taking lots of Goji & B Vitamins but even that doesn't seem to be helping much.

So much needs to happen at the new house - Carpet, hardwood, appliances, baseboards, front door stained, laundry room cabinets, bathroom fixtures, door handles, deck built, railings up, light fixtures ordered/installed.....YIKES!
I have the new phone lines ready to go in next week and our cable & Internet will be switched there in 10 I'm really hoping that the house will be livable by then! I am pretty sure that we will have to live without hardwood on the main floor while it acclimates a while longer...but the rest of the house should be good to go. XXX - Crossing Fingers - XXX

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