Monday, June 09, 2008

I'm home sick.

So I went to work with good intentions this morning.... but I only made it 5 hours in and needed to come home. I am brain dead & exhausted.

Last Thursday was Anthony's and my 4th wedding anniversary. It was a crazy day with a million things going on but we still managed to have a nice lunch out together and a wonderful dinner at Muse. Unfortunately at one point near the end of the dinner, the conversation somehow turned to a touchy subject and dinner was abruptly over. Not the way I would have liked for it to be...but there are some things that have been brewing and not dealt with that I have become super-sensitive about. And PMS probably has not helped the situation in any way. is over and we have moved past it. I will look forward to anniversary #5.

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed."
~ Booker T. Washington ~

Actually - this October will mark the anniversary of when we started dating...and then we will be heading into our 10th year together! CRAZY!

This past weekend Anthony brought me with him to the Real Estate Investment group that he belongs to. It was a two-day intensive workshop that filled my mind with millions of thoughts and ideas. It was jam packed with information....and I will never remember it all...and I took pages, and pages and pages of notes. It was a really great experience. I joined the group as well as Anthony's spouse so we will be able to attend the monthly & special meetings together from now on. There is so much to look forward and prepare for to and we work together so should be great!

“Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success.” ~ Henry Ford ~

Maybe my busy crazy weekend is why I am home sick now. My brain is overloaded. Or maybe I was in a room with 700+ people and maybe I just caught a bug. Anyways - here I am. I am going to bed. I should head out to the garage but I have zero energy.

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