Thursday, June 19, 2008

My world on a Thursday morning...

Thursday is sleep-in day, because Noah has late entry at school. We love Thursdays! Anthony & I took the dogs on a nice big loop around Dalhousie...about 6 km I think. It took 1 hour and 3 minutes.

Now I am sitting here updating my blog when I KNOW I should be doing one of 3 things:
Go to work, because I was sick on Monday
Go to the gym and finish my work there
Clean and pack the house

Nope. I need a fourth choice, please.

Last weekend Anthony & I went to Pincher Creek for a EX Race. We got up at 5am to get there in time for sign-in but ended up getting there a little late...luckily they know Anthony well and let him sign in late anyway.
The course was insane (to me) ...I took some pictures and video but I still can't figure out how to get the videos off my camera and onto the computer. Anthony was doing well despite a bad start. He caught up to fourth and stayed there for a while and fell back into fifth after some crashes. (One crash was pretty spectacular and he is still in pain every time he moves!) Then he had major trouble getting up this crazy hill that had worn down after so many laps and he (and quite a few others) were stuck trying to get up. He eventually made it, and ended up 7th overall. Which still puts him tied for 3rd overall in the series. Not too bad as there are a few really fast guys that he has to battle to stay in the top three...but I think he can do it.

Sunday was also Father's Day...and I was happy that Anthony could spend that day doing one of the things he loves the most...dirt biking! I bought him a new (totally awesome and cool) helmet to protect his noggin' and KTM bike stand. (Plus some poo-poo-pouri which I will leave at that)
I am so thankful that Anthony is a great dad to Noah & Jordan. We all have our moments but 99.999% of the time, he is so amazing and we are lucky that he is in our lives.

This weekend we are supposed to be heading to Compeer for the first race in the CMA series but Anthony is still pretty we may not go after all. I think I'll be disappointed as I really enjoy getting away together from the daily stresses.

The week after is the Raymond race which wraps up the EX series for this year with the's a three day race and I have a feeling it'll be crazy!

There are still lots of races in other series' that we have marked in our calendar. For the rest of the summer, there are very few free weekends left. But I know that it's important to Anthony and I am willing to give him that time to enjoy what he loves. I enjoy it too though...I guess I should add that.

Melissa is coming to town in a couple weeks so that will be great to get in a nice visit, however, I don't think the new house will be done, which means we will have to stay in the half-packed, mess of the old house. Sorry Melissa!!!

The house is coming along though...just never, ever fast enough. The granite finally went in on Tuesday - it looks great! The hardwood has been ordered but won't arrive till late next week...then we have to let it sit out and acclimate as it comes from BC and it is soooooo dry here compared to Vancouver.
We picked out the carpet for the top floor and basement...and it is ready to be delivered but they are not done painting....oh yeah, AND the basement flooded last week with all the damn rain we had! I tell never ends!

Oh well. Life is good. I am trying to be thankful for what I have and I know I am lucky.
I have a fantastic husband and great kids and a good family to spend time with, friends that care about is good.

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