Thursday, May 01, 2008

My thoughts...

Todays Quote of the Day:

Three keys to more abundant living: caring about others, daring for others, sharing with others.
~ William A. Ward ~

Three of the hardest things for a human to do, I believe. Care. Dare. Share.
I am trying…and starting with my husband, kids, family, friends....


Yesterdays quote:

"Tough Times Don’t Last...Tough People Do"

What does this mean?

For me personally, it means the last three years of my life have been tough. I hadn't REALLY realized it until pointed out by another. We have gone through so much in our house – Anthony & I in particular and all of the dealings with business and the gym have taken my focus away from what is most important in my life - Anthony & the kids.
I think have found a renewed sense of desire to make all that is not good – great.

Of course this all started with an argument – one that lasted a while but has been brewing for quite some time. It’s so easy to just let things slide away from you. Being unhappy and not saying anything about it. I am an expert at keeping things bottled up and then exploding. Not very productive or friendly. But it is me and I really am trying to change that aspect of me.

It’s funny how an argument can change everything. For the worse sometimes – but also for the better sometimes. For me I guess I woke up and realized what is important.

I started by getting Anthony away for a night in Banff – who doesn't love Banff? It has always been our little getaway. I made the suggestion and he made the arrangements. We had dinner at the Grizzly House (our favorite) and enjoyed 4 hours of conversation and a wonderful meal to boot. We stayed at the Ptarmigan Inn – (where we once had gotten engaged.) It was wonderful and romantic and we definitly need a few more nights or weekends like that in our lives.

It amazing how easy it is to forget what life is about - Love & Family.

Next week we we are off to Cancun - sans kids. We are going for a wedding so there will be lots of other people to socialize with, but hopefully we can spend more time re-connecting.

So my quote today means that I am tough and I can stick it out even when things are not all sunshine & roses. But I know that with time and effort all will be so.

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