Thursday, May 01, 2008

Friday May 1st

To look backward for a while is to refresh the eye, to restore it, and to render it more fit for its prime function of looking forward.
~ Margaret Fairless Barber ~


Ahhhhh...isn't is always easy to look back and say: what if? or why? Yes, hindsight is 20/20.
We make mistakes in life - everyone does. What we learn from them is the lesson, isn't it?
I have made mistakes...many. And there are no guarantees that there will not be more. But I am so much more aware...

I bought two new books at Chapters tonight...One on the recommendation of my good friend Melissa. Maybe I won't put the title here because those of you that know me...know me well...may think I have lost my mind. But I am open to learning and growing as a person so I will read it and hopefully gain the knowledge that I am after.
The other book is about men - your husband...and really knowing them. It should be an interesting read. Again - I'm open to it.

I like this quote from the book:
"The best relationship is the union of two very different people, who are good appreciators"

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