Tuesday, January 09, 2007

9 days later...

So it's the 9th of January....lets see how I am doing on my 2007 goals/resolutions so far....

Keep in better contact with far-away family. - HMMMM...meant to send a New Years e-mail to all...didn't do it.
Make an effort to be more social. - Had lunch with a friend!
Go out on the occasional date…with DH! - Ah ha! We did go out for dinner one night and a movie on another night! Not bad, eh?!

Set goals everyday! - Hmmmm. I have made some lists but not done everything on them.
Be more flexible and open to new ideas. - I have not been presented any new ideas to be open or flexible about.
Spend more time on business than volunteering.
(that is going to be a tough one...so I'll add "or at least the same amount of time...!" ) - Oh good Lord! NOT!!! Friday I spent 9 1/2 hours volunteering, yesterday 15 1/2 hours, 12 hours today. That is total madness! I KNOW!!!

Remember my Goji everyday. - YES! Score a full point for me! I love that stuff though...so it's easy!
Get back on track with fitness…at least remember to correct bad posture. - Nope and nope! However...I have been coaching gymnastics this week....That is a something at least!
Cut back on white sugar and white flour. - Hmmmm. No, not that either.
Eat out less. - I think this has been better. I have only been at Tims about 2.5 times a day.
Drink more water. - Nope. Bad girl!

Organize my house. - Ha!
Purge junk. - Ha ha!!
Buy new furniture for living room. - Haven't even looked.
Cook more. - Um....no. That was a bad idea in the first place!
Attempt to de-clutter my life/house. - Hmmmmm...not doing too good here!

Stress less and be happy! - Maybe this would be better if people were competant.
Read more books. - No time!
Make more of an effort in my wardrobe – less jeans and t-shirts! - How about strechy yoga pants and t-shirts?
Scrapbook more pages than I did last year. - Haven't even sat at my SB desk.
Submit something...anything. - Nada.
Work on my photography skills. (Take a class or read the freakin' manual at least!) - Where is that damn camera anyway?
Try not to procrastinate too much! (However, I still believe the following statement: "If it's worth doing, it will get done eventually.") - No COMMENT!

Do more of it! - Love to...when do we leave?

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