Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm back!

Oh...I am so frustrated!
Our network of computers at home is shot! And my laptop is about to hit the wall. It has been over a month since this thing has worked or connected to the internet properly. I am ready to scream. It is a combination of Shaw, our Router, our Modem and the computers....What a PITA!
Jordan finally got me on-line tonight and I just downloaded over 1300 I'm sorry if you have e-mailed and I have not responded. I'll try and catch up when I can.

I feel so lost without my has my whole LIFE on it!!!

I did take a peek at a few e-mails....and I got this one from my friend Jen.....

1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:10am
2. Diamonds or Pearls? Love diamonds!
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The one with Will Smith...In pursuit of happiness
4. What is your favorite TV show? Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, The OC, Heroes...and most reality shows!
5. What did you have for breakfast? A Tim Horton's Tea (large double/double) and a Boston Pizza chocolate chip cookie! So bad!
6.What is your middle name? Diane Lynne
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Probably Italian
8. What foods do you dislike? Mushrooms!
9. Your favorite Potato chip? Ripple with a dip.
10. What cd have you been listening to lately? Just dusted off my Walk the Line it! Reese Witherspoon rocks!
11. What kind of car do you drive? Take your pick...we have several...but I mostly drive the Pontiac Montana
12. Favorite sandwich? BLT with cheese on toasted Whole Wheat
13. What characteristics do you despise? Oh so many!
14. What are your favorite clothes? Yoga pants and t-shirts!
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Pretty much anywhere hot with a beach!
16. Favorite brand of clothing? Hmmmmm I guess for myself, The Gap
17. Where would you want to retire? Again...Pretty much anywhere hot with a beach!
18. Favorite time of day? 2:30 pm - when I pick up Noah at school.
19. Where were you born? Burnaby BC
20. What is your favorite sport to watch? Gymnastics
21. Who do you think will not send this back? Who knows!
22. Person you expect to send it back first? Don't know!
23. Pepsi or Coke? No pop at all!
24. Beavers or Ducks? Ummmm....should I know this?
25. Are you a morning person or night owl? Night owl!
26. Pedicure or Manicure? Uh...Both?!
27. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? Noah just won 3rd All-Around at a gymnastics meet in Red Deer! Way to go Noah!
28. What did you want to be when you were little? A lawyer, a writer, a vet, a psychologist...
29. What is your best childhood memory? Hmmmmm. The first time I saw Grease in the theatre...and my sisters bought me satin pants for my birthday! LOL
30. Ever been toilet papering? Not that I remember!
31. Been in a car accident? Oh...just a few!
32. Favorite restaurant? I LOVE the Grizzly House in Banff!
33. Favorite flower? An assortment of Gerbera Daisies
34. Favorite ice cream? Half Baked Ben & Jerry's
35. Favorite fast food restaurant? Not really any....a bagel at Tim's if I must.
36. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Once or twice!
37. From whom did you get your last e-mail? Ugh...My computer has been on the fritz so I just downloaded 1300 messages...yikes!
38. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Triple Flip for Noah, Ikea for Jordan
39. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? I don't know! Quit it with the hard questions....
40. Last person you went to dinner with? My husband just tonight.
42. How many people are you sending this to? ??? - I may just post it to my blog!
43. What time did you finish this e-mail? 9:15 pm
44. Favorite magazine? People, Real Simple, Creating Keepsakes
45. If you could meet any famous person, who would it be? I like Jen's answer...Oprah! I did go to her show in Chicago though! Kewl!
46. If you could choose another first name, what would it be? I have no idea! I have never thought about it!
47. If you could change your profession right now, what would you be doing? I quite like what I am doing as it is! Lucky me....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you....Grizzly House for a late night chocolate fondue! Yum!