Friday, December 01, 2006

Busy weekend...

So here we are...Friday once again...

Why are the weekends not as exciting as they once were? LOL

My daytimer is packed with things to do...I am feeling the pressure already and I haven't even gotten out of the house yet this morning!

First things first...I need to make Noah a healthy snack for after-school/before gym...I guess one of the coaches called her fat needless to say, she is a little upset. And let me say that NO she is not fat...but she is not super skinny either...however, when she stands with stooped shoulders, her belly does pop out. It's mostly a posture thing. But we have been working hard on her for the past month or so, eliminating a lot of white sugar and white flour...getting more fruits, vegetables and lean protein into her. She really is looking a lot more leaner and I think hearing that set her back a few steps. I just have to keep reminding her (and me) that she is healthy and THAT is what matters!

I've got about another hour and a half and then Noah needs to be picked up at school and taken to gymnastics, where I have a whole other to-do list of chores to keep me busy. I've also been working on a blog for the gym club...which is coming along quite nicely...but still needs some touching up.

Tomorrow Noah has her theatre group but luckily no diving class...instead we are participating in the the CityTV's Fame for Food Interfaith Food Bank Drive. In exchange for club bringing in non-perishable food items, the girls from our gym get to record a short seasonal greeting on TV. Kinda cool...however, I haven't yet figured out who is going to do the talking and what exactly we will say!

Right after that I am taking a pre-school gymnastics coaching course from 2:30 - 9:00 pm, which I have wanted to take for a very long time...but now feel stressed that it is THIS weekend when there are so many other things to do. The course continues on Sunday morning at 8:30 am...ugh...THAT is punishment! LOL Noah also has gymnastics on Sunday plus her last Rock Climbing class...and then dinner at the in-laws.

The house is calling me to get back on track sorting, purging and organizing and ultimately packing...but I really don't feel like it. I know if I put it off, it will just be worse later...but that alone isn't incentive enough.

DH is done his job as of tomorrow...which is both exciting and scary at the same time. We both need to get focused on getting the new house renovated, move there and then get to work on this house and get it on the market. Financially, carrying two mortgages for too long is not that thrilling of a prospect.

Ok - well I'd better get at it....

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