Thursday, November 30, 2006

Possession Day!

Today we took possession of our new house. Well...sort of....we certainly are not moving in there any time soon!
We went there at 12:15 to meet the realtor and get the keys and she was there waiting for us and so was all of the crap that the old owner decided to leave behind!
What a freakin' mess!!! Clothes, toys, furniture, bedding, food, papers and junk everywhere! AND the whole place smells like doesn't help that there are dishes rotting in the dishwasher and something totally disgusting fermenting in the bathroom...ick!!!
Anyways...because of the mess we were left with, we asked for a hold back on the money being paid to her that took forever to deal with through the we didn't actually get the keys until tonight. But we will get $2500.00 back...not that I'd clean up that pig sty for even that price!
I'm hoping that I can skip out on the cleaning out and demolition part of this reno and just show up for the decorating! he he he

Besides that...we had a busy day overall. A chiro appointment for Noah and eye exams for Jordan and myself on the other side of the city, meet with the realtor for a walk through, plus get the banking done for the gym. Then Noah's car pool called and their daughter was sick so they couldn't pick her up today...this always happens on the worst days possible! So that screwed up my afternoon plans so I just kept Jordan home from school for the whole day...much to his delight! I dropped him off at home and rushed to pick up Noah at school and head to the gym! Her coach was out sick but Noah could only train until 6pm anyways so she could get back to school. Whew...didn't we just leave there?
Noah had a Spanish Program at school tonight...where she had an acting a turkey. A very cute talking turkey! She just loves her school...and really, it is such a neat place. I was pretty leery about her moving from her small and safe elementary school into a a big middle school program...but she loves it!

Ah...I think it is time for bed. I feel tired...but I'm sure as soon as I get into bed, I'll be wide awake! But I'd better force myself to get to sleep early...everyone around me is sick, sick, sick! I think it is some kind of 24 hour bug. Noah had it on Monday and was fine by Tuesday. Now 1/2 of the gym is out seems to be coming in waves. I sure hope I don't get it. I'm too busy to be sick this week!

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