Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sunday at last....

Well, a busy weekend it was!

It is now 9pm and I just finished making and eating dinner for the kids and I...pan fried chicken, rice and steamed veggies...nothing to fancy...but fast and easy! Thank goodness for M & M Meatshops! Now to get DS to do the dishes!

My pre-school coaching certification course was very interesting and I'm glad I did it...even though this past week I was dreading it! There was definitely some good info and ideas noted but boy am I ever tired...not just physically, but mentally too. I now have a year and a half to finish the practicum and portfolio...yeah...that isn't great for a semi-procrastinator like me! I need hard and fast deadlines...or else! LOL

Today was Noah's last day in her Rock-Climbing course. I hope that she does it again in the New Year...if we can fit it in her schedule. It is so good for her muscle/strength building...and fun at the same time. I have been tossing around the idea of joining an adult group...but well...we'll see.

Anthony is still over at the new house working on hauling out the garbage and starting the drywall patching. He wants me to go over there tomorrow too...but think I'd like a HASMAT suit to wear!

Anyways...I'm pooped and Amazing Race is on! Hopefully I can stay awake for it!

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