Thursday, November 30, 2006

Possession Day!

Today we took possession of our new house. Well...sort of....we certainly are not moving in there any time soon!
We went there at 12:15 to meet the realtor and get the keys and she was there waiting for us and so was all of the crap that the old owner decided to leave behind!
What a freakin' mess!!! Clothes, toys, furniture, bedding, food, papers and junk everywhere! AND the whole place smells like doesn't help that there are dishes rotting in the dishwasher and something totally disgusting fermenting in the bathroom...ick!!!
Anyways...because of the mess we were left with, we asked for a hold back on the money being paid to her that took forever to deal with through the we didn't actually get the keys until tonight. But we will get $2500.00 back...not that I'd clean up that pig sty for even that price!
I'm hoping that I can skip out on the cleaning out and demolition part of this reno and just show up for the decorating! he he he

Besides that...we had a busy day overall. A chiro appointment for Noah and eye exams for Jordan and myself on the other side of the city, meet with the realtor for a walk through, plus get the banking done for the gym. Then Noah's car pool called and their daughter was sick so they couldn't pick her up today...this always happens on the worst days possible! So that screwed up my afternoon plans so I just kept Jordan home from school for the whole day...much to his delight! I dropped him off at home and rushed to pick up Noah at school and head to the gym! Her coach was out sick but Noah could only train until 6pm anyways so she could get back to school. Whew...didn't we just leave there?
Noah had a Spanish Program at school tonight...where she had an acting a turkey. A very cute talking turkey! She just loves her school...and really, it is such a neat place. I was pretty leery about her moving from her small and safe elementary school into a a big middle school program...but she loves it!

Ah...I think it is time for bed. I feel tired...but I'm sure as soon as I get into bed, I'll be wide awake! But I'd better force myself to get to sleep early...everyone around me is sick, sick, sick! I think it is some kind of 24 hour bug. Noah had it on Monday and was fine by Tuesday. Now 1/2 of the gym is out seems to be coming in waves. I sure hope I don't get it. I'm too busy to be sick this week!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

November 25!

I guess that means it's just a month until Christmas!
Where does the time go?

I am not nearly prepared as I'd like to be. Yeah yeah....same old story!

Every year I want to make all of my Christmas Cards and mail them off to all of my friends and family early...but I never do! I usually rush around the week before and frantically mail out the most important ones and tell myself I will send more cards next year...but I never do...

Every year I tell myself that I will bake and bake and bake and have a freezer full of goodies to put out at Christmas...well, I DID bake a whole whack this year, but I already gave it all away to the bake sale at the gym. So if we want homemade goodies this year, I have to start all over again...

Every year I tell my husband that we are going to go all out and get the house decorated early and enjoy it! Not go running around looking to buy a tree three days before Christmas and then not have the energy to decorate it! I swear I have totes and totes of cool decorations and fun Christmassy things...that for the most part never see the light of day. DH thinks this is grounds for getting rid of them..."If you haven't seen them/used them for how many you really need them?" etc etc...Ummm....The answer is YES!

Every year I find all kinds of cool creative things that I want to make as Christmas gifts and every year I run out of time and energy. I start bookmarking magazine pages and even round up supplies...but somehow I never get around to it all.

Every year I tell myself that I will start Christmas shopping in the summer...when the stores are not crowded and the prices not as inflated...but so far I have one gift bought...

Hmmmmm....Not a great start with Christmas morning just 4 weeks away!

Oh well...I'm going to try anyway!!!

And if it doesn't all come together this year...there is always hope for 2007! LOL

Friday, November 24, 2006

I'm a wimp!

It is sooooo bloody cold here - I can't stand it! And it isn't even officially winter here yet!!!
I hate having to warm up the car and scrape the windows, I hate wearing a big bulky coat and boots and STILL be cold, I hate the wet and mud that the animals drag in, I hate the cold drafts that are everywhere in this house...I hate it all! I definitely am not a winter girl!
I think I'd like to move somewhere a little more mild. Maybe once Noah is done school...what is that...7 more years! Ugh. Nope...I don't want to wait that long!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

All about me....

My GF sent this to me...funny when you actually write stuff down you realize what a doorknob you are...IE #5! LOL

1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:15 am
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds ... BIG ones!
3. What was the last film you saw at the movies? Stick It!
4. What is your favorite TV show? I'm a TV junkie...I can't pick just one favorite!
5. What did you have for breakfast? 5 Grapes
6. What is your middle name? Diane Lynne
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Italian
8. What is your favorite cocktail? A girly Martini of some sort.
9. What is your favorite chip flavor? Sour Cream & Onion
1o. What type of car do you drive? Pontiac Montana
11. What characteristics do you despise? Oh, there are too many to list!
12. Favorite item of clothing? Yoga pants
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Anywhere hot with a pool and a beach and a mini bar!
14. Favorite brand of clothing? No real favorites. I wear a fair bit of Gap and I like some of the clothes from Costco!
15. Where would you like to retire to? Somewhere warm with a pool and a beach!
16. Favorite time of the day? If I'm up...sunrise or sunset!
17. What was your most memorable birthday? 18th...In Mexico with a bunch of great party animals!
18. Where were you born? BC
19. Favorite sport to watch? Gymnastics!
20. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Not sure about that one!
21. Who do you expect to send it back first? Not sure! Does it matter?
22. What fabric detergent do you use? Tide for sensitive skin.
23. Coke or Pepsi? Neither...I hate pop.
24. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night owl always!
25. What is your shoe size? 8.5
26. Do you have any pets? 2 dogs, 1 cat, 4 birds, 1 fish.
27. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family and friends? Just bought a crack-pad...I mean a new house! LOL
28. What did you want to be when you were little? Lawyer, Vet, Writer, Psychologist
29. When is your birthday? May 7th...a Taurus through and through!

Shampoo? TeaTree something or other
Soap? Something with vanilla scent
Day/Night? Day
Summer/Winter? Summer
Favorite Advertisement? ??? I hate ads.

****RIGHT NOW *****************
Wearing? Yoga pants
Eating? Just finished a Large Steeped Tea - Double/Double
Thinking about? Christmas
Listening to: Nada right now. But now that I think about it I will turn on Pandora!
Met someone new? No
Cleaned your room? No...never! And you can't make me!
Drove a car? To the health food store
How many hours sleep? 5.5

**********FRIENDS AND LIFE**********
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Hmmm...that I am still talking to? Probably Leanne
When do you cry the most? Sad and/or happy movies.
Do you want your friends to do this and send it back to you? Why not!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I need a pause button!

Life is barreling along full speed ahead whether I want it to or not.

I need a break...a holiday! Somewhere....ANYWHERE warm with a beach and a pool and a waiter with non-stop cocktails....Yeah!

Things are a bit crazy in my life...nothing new. I thrive on chaos.

This past Saturday we held a fundraiser for the gym at Shanks...a local sports bar. We raised over $7500.00 through ticket sales, balloon pop sales, games, 50/50 and a great silent auction! It was a bit of work for all involved but the result was worth it!
And now next week/end we are having another big fundraiser called a Gymathon where the athletes go out and get pledges and then have to perform 10 skills 10 times and win prizes for their efforts. So I will be at the gym Monday through Sunday next week. What fun! As if I am not there enough as it is! LOL Oh and we are hosting a big Christmas Shopping Bazaar and bake sale on the 19th...OMG...when will I even have time to bake??? Oh well...the gym needs to move and therefore needs the cash to do fundraising we must do! Magazines sales are up next!
The work at the gym is piling up and really needs to be dealt with but I just can't keep up. Beside the usual accounting and new winter registrations we are in the middle of looking at new spaces and leases and it is time consuming and stressful!

Our exchange student is leaving in two days so tonight we took him out for Red Lobster...all you can eat shrimp! Yum! It will be different not having that extra person around in the house! It'll be sad to see him go but I am sure that he will make his way back to Canada again.

We take possession of the new house in 3 weeks. Once we do it will take us a while to get it back in order. Demolition to start with then new drywall, paint, trim, carpet, some windows etc...and a good professional cleaning! We went yesterday and took pictures of the I will post those once I get them off my camera. There is so much to do to get this house somewhat organized, sorting, purging, packing etc. Stuff I hate!

Noah is very excited as she is attending a Provincial Training Camp over the weekend...Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Lots of gymnastics in there! I hope she gets a lot out of it...she has been training at home working on building her upper body strength and finally after 2.5 years of trying she made it past the red line of the rope climb yesterday! Way to go Noah!