Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I need a pause button!

Life is barreling along full speed ahead whether I want it to or not.

I need a break...a holiday! Somewhere....ANYWHERE warm with a beach and a pool and a waiter with non-stop cocktails....Yeah!

Things are a bit crazy in my life...nothing new. I thrive on chaos.

This past Saturday we held a fundraiser for the gym at Shanks...a local sports bar. We raised over $7500.00 through ticket sales, balloon pop sales, games, 50/50 and a great silent auction! It was a bit of work for all involved but the result was worth it!
And now next week/end we are having another big fundraiser called a Gymathon where the athletes go out and get pledges and then have to perform 10 skills 10 times and win prizes for their efforts. So I will be at the gym Monday through Sunday next week. What fun! As if I am not there enough as it is! LOL Oh and we are hosting a big Christmas Shopping Bazaar and bake sale on the 19th...OMG...when will I even have time to bake??? Oh well...the gym needs to move and therefore needs the cash to do fundraising we must do! Magazines sales are up next!
The work at the gym is piling up and really needs to be dealt with but I just can't keep up. Beside the usual accounting and new winter registrations we are in the middle of looking at new spaces and leases and it is time consuming and stressful!

Our exchange student is leaving in two days so tonight we took him out for Red Lobster...all you can eat shrimp! Yum! It will be different not having that extra person around in the house! It'll be sad to see him go but I am sure that he will make his way back to Canada again.

We take possession of the new house in 3 weeks. Once we do it will take us a while to get it back in order. Demolition to start with then new drywall, paint, trim, carpet, some windows etc...and a good professional cleaning! We went yesterday and took pictures of the I will post those once I get them off my camera. There is so much to do to get this house somewhat organized, sorting, purging, packing etc. Stuff I hate!

Noah is very excited as she is attending a Provincial Training Camp over the weekend...Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Lots of gymnastics in there! I hope she gets a lot out of it...she has been training at home working on building her upper body strength and finally after 2.5 years of trying she made it past the red line of the rope climb yesterday! Way to go Noah!

1 comment:

Allyson said...

I feel bad but I'm a bit relieved not to have another person to chase after....I feel a little like I have my life back and I'm not in "entertaining" mode anymore. LOL