Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Taz the Spaz!

About a month ago we got a new puppy .... or should I say *I* got a new puppy. Hubby didn't think it was a great idea since we do not have a lot of time to spare but I really could not resist him!!!
So now he is *my* puppy! LOL
What do you think?

Anyways...he is just the cutest, sweetest thing...but man what a pain! It's just like having a newborn in the house...in need of constant attention!!!

Because he is still a puppy he gets into all kinds of trouble...most recently...he ate the corner off of one of my scrapbook albums...ate a roll of Christmas wrapping paper he found under my bed...chewed almost through my sisters phone charger cord...caught him sneaking stuffed animals out of DD's bedroom...loves to eat shoelaces...Oh Vey! Hopefully this stage wont last tooooooo long!
I am sooooooo sleep-deprived as he gets up a couple of times a night to be let out...ugh...what I wouldn't do for a solid 8 hours of sleep!

My DH is taking my son, our exchange student, his friend and her exchange student to Jasper for the weekend and leaving me all alone with DD (who I CAN handle!) and the PUPPY (can I handle him ALONE???) Yikes! I am so not looking forward to solo puppy duty!

But then I look at his face and forget what a PITA he is!!!


Memory Junction said...

Alrighty... Taz the Spaz is ADORABLE! Can't wait to see him in real life... the girls wish you'd had him when we were on holidays!

Allyson said...

I know...and I think the reason I was so keen on him was from spending time with McTuff...so small and cute and cuddly!
You guys will just have to come out here now!