Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!

Thanksgiving 2006

There is really so much to be thankful for.... Family and Friends for the most part.

We decided to have our annual family dinner at our house again this year...on Saturday night though as that was the only time we could all make it. We had 10 people in total...myself, my husband, my two kids and our exchange student, my MIL & FIL, my sister Jennifer and her partner Laurie and my other sister Kathie. That is a lot of people for our (what I feel is) tiny house. But we made it work and cozy is often better, isn't it?

The food was fantastic....and I must thank my sisters and MIL for making their dishes! I love having my sister Kathie stay with us...she is such a fantastic cook! Yum!

The menu:
  • Turkey, Gravy, Cranberries & Traditional Stuffing
  • Butternut Squash Soup topped with Fried Onions, Homemade Garlic Croutons & Parsley
  • Baked Tomato Pie on Puff Pastry
  • Twice Baked Mashed Potatoes with Sour Cream, Onions & Cheese
  • Roasted Harvest Vegetables with Maple & Garlic
  • Brown Rice Medley with Cranberries & Pecans
  • Butter Rolls
  • Homemade Pumpkin Pie with Fresh Whipped Cream &/or Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Homemade Raspberry & White Chocolate Cheesecake with Raspberry Coulis

Sometimes I wonder why we do it though. You spend all day cleaning and shopping and prepping and cooking and serving and you barely sit down long enough to even enjoy it. (is that the anti-social me talking now?)
But this year was an important one sister is here visiting from Thailand so we don't really get to see her enough and my other sister is still with us even though she has been fighting cancer.
Family & Friends....For that I am thankful.


Memory Junction said...

Glad you had a great family dinner... Kelly and family came up from Quesnel, and it was Kirby's 15th birthday, so we had a good day too! Felt like all we did was "gobble, gobble, gobble!" ROTF!

Happy Turkey Day! {{{hugs}}}

Allyson said...

Yuck...I still have leftovers in the fridge...time to throw them out I think!