Wednesday, October 11, 2006's Wednesday!

Yeah, I's weird that I love Wednesday's...but I look forward to them because it is the ONLY day that we have free in our house. Every other day and night is filled with some kind of activity.

  • Mondays - Girl Guides
  • Tuesdays - Gymnastics
  • Wednesdays - NOTHING
  • Thursdays - Gymnastics
  • Fridays - Gymnastics
  • Saturdays - Acting, Singing, Dance Lessons, Diving Class
  • Sundays - Gymnastics, Rock Climbing

Normally we also have Guitar and Keyboarding lessons too but I have yet to book them in for Fall. But I am hoping we can add them in on Mondays right after school....
Our days are full...but I guess that is the choice I make...not to mention Volunteer Bingo's, Board Meetings and all of the other volunteer work I choose to do.
Ok - I am crazy!!! But I did disclose that earlier!

So here we's Wednesday...what did I do with my glorious free day?

4:30am Get up with the puppy. UGH!
4:40am Back to sleep.
7:00am Up again - harass DD to get ready for school and eat!
7:40am Get DD of to the bus.
7:50am Yell downstairs to wake up the boys. Go back to bed with puppy.
8:00am DH home from his workout.
8:30am DH leaves for work and drops the boys off at school.
9:00am Back up again. Let puppy out. Feed the Zoo. 1 Puppy, 1 Dog, 1 Cat, 3 Birds & 2 a lonely fish in DS's room.
10:00am Still in my jammies...checking in on my cyber friends.
Thinking about Scrapbooking.
11:00am Shower Time! I must do this while puppy is sleeping or else he cries, whines, & scratches until I get out.
12:00 pm Get puppy ready for a car ride. This takes a while...need to make sure he does his business first!
12:15om On the Road! Finally. Head across town.
12:40pm Costco! everything in there! I could spend 1000's and not even fill a whole cart! But I am good. I pick up a case of paper...not even for me!
1:00pm I'm annoyed. Waited in line forever for 1 freakin' case of paper...could have bought much more stuff in all that time I wasted waiting!!!
1:15pm Drop that case of paper off at the gym. Quickly check my e-mails, phone messages, mail etc.
1:45pm Back in the van. Puppy is whining and being jumpy. Hmmmm. Find some grass and tell him to go pee. It works.
2:00pm Stop by the bank to make a deposit. Only two business tellers open. Waiting.........
2:15pm Head home. Supposed to meet DH there at 2:30pm to go look at some houses.
2:20pm. Phone DH. He locked his keys in the car! He is waiting for AMA.
2:50pm Go pick up DD at the bus stop.
3:00pm Still waiting for DH.
3:30pm Still waiting for DH.
4:00pm Still waiting for DH.
4:30pm Still waiting for DH.
4:45pm Boys come home. DS has to work at 5:00...nothing like cutting it close!
5:00pm DH comes home. YAY! Only 2.5 hours late! DD goes to a friends house.
5:30pm Check in on my cyber friends. Waiting for DH to eat, change, talk on the phone, pack up puppy...
5:45pm Finally! We head out to look at some houses!
7:15pm Pick up a Big Mac & Fries for our exchange student...the only one home!
7:30pm. Home. Clean up kitchen. Check e-mail.
Thinking about Scrapbooking.
8:00pm DD comes home.
9:00pm through bedtime...Play with puppy. Tidy up. Check e-mail. Throw in laundry. Relax with kids & hubby. Ohhhhhh....6 Degrees is on. Must listen while typing on my Blog. Then Lost is on at 10pm! YAY
1:00am Bedtime.

Ok...THERE is my relaxing Wednesday!!!! (the one where I have nothing to do!)

1 comment:

Memory Junction said...

I usually think ~I'm~ busy until I read your day... then I say to myself... you could have Noah's training schedule... Don't burn yourself out sista!