Thursday, October 12, 2006

Christmas Cards already! I ever feel ahead of the about 12 Christmas cards anyway! LOL Thanks to my friend Cindy for inviting me out to a card making workshop...we made 2 each of 6 different kinds of Christmas Cards using Stampin' Up products. And boy are they ever cute!!! Cindy has some of the stamps we used already so we are going to try and get together and make some more of the ones we did.

I really enjoy making and sending homemade Christmas Cards and each year I tell myself that I will make enough to send out to everyone but then I don't and I only send out a few homemade ones and the rest come out of a box. A nice box mind you...
But maybe this year will be different! HA!
When I told my husband that I was going to a workshop...I knew what he was thinking...he has seen all of the stamps and ink and cardstock and embellsihments that I own...stuffed in my SB room...overflowing from the drawers, peeking out of boxes, piled high on the desk, the stash of unopened shopping bags....but he didn't say a word. I think secretly he was just happy that I actually did something...even though I didn't use my own supplies. Hmmmm.....maybe I'd better make him a homemade Christmas card this year! he he he month we are going to a Christmas Tag that'll be fun! We'll make 15 tags and enclosures...and my sister Jen is going to join us even more fun! Even the anti-social me is looking forward to it! ;)

1 comment:

Memory Junction said...

Gorgeous cards... I still have all that card stuff we bought at the Michaels on the way to Scrapapalooza all those years ago in Moose Jaw! ROTF! Gawd, where does the time go? Hope you fulfil your goal of "getting them done"!