Friday, October 13, 2006



I went to sleep at 1:30am....a pretty normal time for me. Taz woke up at 2:30 to be let out and here I am almost 2 hours later still awake.
I used to suffer from insomnia on a daily drove my husband insane!!! I'd toss and turn and huff and puff, flip the pillow, fluff the pillow, punch the pillow, fix the blankets, rub my feet together and flick the bedside light on and read....poor guy!
I know that more times than not it stems from stress for me. It's much better these days but it still manages to sneak in there every so often.

So...why can't I sleep tonight?

For one, I have heartburn. That's never good.

Two, we are putting an offer on a house tomorrow and I'm thinking about that. It is meant to be a fixer-upper...we wouldn't even need to live there....but the thought of moving to a new house is intriguing to me. I feel bored where we are. Even though all of the kids friends are here...I would love something new. However, this house is about 15 minutes (without traffic) east of where we are now and if we did move there it would be a real pain to get the kids to school every day in rush hour.

Three, DD seems to have hurt her knee at gym tonight. Hopefully it is nothing serious...KNOCK ON WOOD!!! Injuries are a part of this sport...and we have had our fair share at our gym...a broken arm being the most recent! Noah has been very lucky in that she hasn't had any serious injuries to date but I worry with competition season coming up in January that she'll get hurt now. She would be devastated. She is pumped up right now and training so hard to learn new skills...I'd hate to see her have to take time off for an injury now. I pull her out of school tomorrow and take her to the Doctor...or leave it and see how training goes tomorrow?

Four, I keep thinking about all of the problems and things I need to do at the gym....a board meeting on Sunday to prepare for, coaching issues to have dealt with, fundraising stuff, moving the gym and all of the planning to do for it, payroll on Saturday, employee performance evaluations, board members to hold accountable, data-entry piling up, tax forms to submit, website problems, accounting that is lagging behind, courses to register for, equipment to order, people that are not at all helpful, people that are annoying, people that need coddling, people that need a good swift kick in the *ss!
I swear I could spend 100 hours a week there and it would never be enough. There is just so much to do and when not everyone thinks the same way...or has the same vision...or has a clue at's a big load to take on.

Five, DH is leaving tomorrow AM for Jasper and DD and I are staying home. Which means I have to be on solo puppy duty. I am stressed about what to do with him for 5 hours DD is at gym tomorrow (I guess that would be today!), plus the two hours DD is in diving on Saturday. He can't stay home alone that long, I can't leave him in the car and I'm sure he isn't allowed in the pool. So I ask myself...WHY did I want to get a puppy again?

There is also a Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten to this list.....but the longer I sit here and type it out the longer I'll be up maybe I will go try and count sheep for a while.

I did not get back to sleep until 6:30am. And then the alarm woke me up 27 minutes later.


Memory Junction said...

When I get the occasional insomnia, or I know I need to get a good nights' sleep, I take a GRAVOl at bedtime and it knocks me out... except for the occasional pee break in the middle of the night. Hope you get a really GOOD sleep tonight, and girlfriend, I TOLD YOU so on the gym stuff! ROTF! You need to delegate, delegate, delegate! Get some help or quit! No volunteer job is worth losing sleep over... That being said, {{{hugs}}} ~grin~

Allyson said...

yeah yeah...I know!!!