Monday, April 20, 2009

One Month!

WOW - time is flying here at Jack's house! We took some pictures of him and hope to remember to take these each month to see how much he changes...hopefully I'll even get around to scrapbooking them! he he he

Jack at One Month:

Loves to be anyone!
Still has beautiful - BIG - blue eyes
Is not as sleepy as he was for the first 4 weeks
Is still wearing Huggies Newborn sized diapers
Loves his vitamin D drops
Is not an easy burper
Still fits all of the NB baby clothes he has
Generally cries when his diapers and clothes are changed
Does not love bath time
Still has fine hair on his shoulders and soft!
Takes a 2 oz. bottle of breast milk easily
Uses his soother to "soothe"
Still gets swaddled for bed at night time
Still manages to "Houdini" his arms out of his swaddle each night
Has big hands but smallish feet
Is the LOVE of our life!

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