Monday, April 13, 2009

3 weeks old today!

Jack is 3 weeks old today! Today is actually his due date...which feels kind of strange, like we are cheating the system somehow! LOL

It sure has been tiring, but boy do we love this little guy...he is sooooo sweet! I guess you forget how much work a newborn really is...even after you've already had two kids! Maybe I'm just older and tire more easily now! LOL But it's so worth it. Anthony is positively in love with we all are. But it is sweet to see him be such a doting daddy.

Jack has lost an entire pound off of his birth weight so he is being closely followed up on each day by either our Dr.'s office or the public health/baby nurse that comes to visit. He is being weighed a lot and we have faced some issues with breastfeeding....but we are getting through it. The poor guy has jaundice and is so tired all the time, it's hard to keep him awake and eating...and therefore gaining weight. It had been suggested that we start supplementing with formula...but we are going to stick with strictly breast milk if we can.

My gym-mom friends had a baby shower for was fun to see some of the moms as I feel pretty disconnected from the gym. After all these years of spending 40+ hours a week doing everything for that place it's weird to pull back and let it go. But the shower was nice...good to see people outside of that place...and Jack was spoiled...he got lots of goodies and was passed around and fawned over by all.

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