Saturday, July 26, 2008

My self-care for the past week (or so)

So along with my 5 positive thoughts about my DH each week - I am going to try and post 5 things that I did for my own self-care each week.
Self care being...taking care of number one - myself!!!

So lets see... I think I have to actually a little past a week...bad me!

1) I got my self a cute little pedicure!

2) I had a great 50 minute massage at our hotel in actually hurt for DAYS I know it was good! ha ha

3) I went to see my seems like weird "self-care" but it is exactly that!

4) I decided not to go into work tomorrow so I can sleep in a little and go with DH for a nice long walk with the dogs.

5) I made a nice healthy dinners this week and have been making sure that I take my vitamins, fiber and goji each day for my health!

Ok - so the goal is to actually be able to find 5 things that I do EACH WEEK just for myself! I know that sounds easy - but for me, obviously not so. I'll try again for next week!

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