Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's close!!!!

The hardwood floors are going in RIGHT NOW! Yippee! The Copper Hood fan was installed, the plumber put the hot water tank in....stuff is getting finished..... The end really is in sight!

Ok - my sister just arrived and we are going out for some martini's....

So I'd better post my 5 positive thoughts about my honey for this past week....

1) He has been working so hard - 7 straight days last week on the new house trying to get it finished so we can finally move into it.

2) He got up early on Saturday morning and did all of the dishes (there were lots!) and cleaned up the kitchen before he went to work. Normally Jordan does the dishes but he was working lots and spending the rest of his time at Folk Fest, so they were stacked up. Noah was having a newly made friend sleepover that day and I was concerned that the house be somewhat tidy before her arrival. BTW - Anthony NEVER does the dishes.

3) He shopped for and made healthy dinners two nights in a row this week - without me even asking or hinting. He told me afterwards that he didn't want me to think that I was the only one responsible for cooking dinners.

4) He helped our friend move some of her things to her new house yesterday even after working all day and being dead-tired and me knowing he didn't really feel like it.

5) He has been helping Noah purge, clean and pack up her room each evening for a couple of hours for our upcoming move.

6) He has been more affectionate and easy to be around all week. This may be because I have been affectionate and easy to be around as well.

It really is so nice to be able to sit and think of all of the good things going on!

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