Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ah...I'm dreaming of Mexico!

Yes - so back to was amazing.

There were a few hiccups... like our first flight was behind schedule so we only had 10 minutes between flights and I was worried sick that we would miss it...but we made it....unfortunately, our luggage did not!
Normally - I would not have cared so much...because normally I pack a great carry on...this time, I did not. I was out running errands in the morning and when I got home, Anthony's mom was already there to drive us to the I just grabbed everything and we went to the airport. So, no, I did not have a change of clothes or my blood pressures meds or a freakin' toothbrush! Ugh - I hate it when that happens. Isn't that Murphy's Law? Pack it, you won't need it...don't pack it and you surely will.
So that was fine - when we arrived we spent almost an hour getting through customs...(and we had it good...others that arrived on Saturday waited about 3 hours!) Once through customs we realized that our bags were nowhere to be found. The guy at Continental was like.."Oh yeah, the bags never make in on the Calgary flight" I'm like...Hello? If you know that...fix it!
So it's my birthday as well....which we all know is not my favorite day of the year....but that's life.
So we grab a cab to the condo and the brides brother & his girlfriend are there waiting for us with keys to our unit...and they were also so kind as to make us some yummy cheese & ham quesadillas. Then we went for a long walk along the was pitch that was kinda cool.

The next couple days we just hung out, walked along the beach, read books, swam, relaxed and enjoyed each other.
We helped the brides family with some of the wedding preparations and shopping and that was fun as well. Once everyone else started to arrive it became quite festive...I think there was about 80 people that came down for the wedding! That amazing for a destination wedding!
The wedding itself was wonderful and Anthony looked handsome as a groomsman....I'll have to post some pix when I download them. We met so many new people and hung out with some old friends - it was quite fun!

We did some amazing snorkeling trips and some scuba diving...and yes - I scuba dived!!! I know - I am usually such a chicken shit...but for whatever was important to me to try.
I did the "resort" certification course in which you have to do all the necessary functions in the pool first and go through a quick test of each skill before they will take you out. And even then, you can only dive 40 feet or so. You need the full PADI certification to do anything deeper - which Anthony has.
Before we even get in the pool, the nerves were starting. I had to get Anthony to go get me some Motrin...hoping it would help. It did not.
They made us put the tanks & gear on and carry it to the pool...good Lord...I though I was going to fall over was sooooo heavy!
I get in the pool and get the regulator in...I can't seem to get my head under the water. face yes...whole I almost said FORGET IT! I'm outta here! But I persist and the dive master is patient. It takes some time. Meanwhile Anthony & Lorin are swimming about having a grand time. Ok - so I master getting my whole head under water. Then I am asked to sit on the bottom of the pool - on my bum. way. I felt so out of control it was crazy. I just could not do it. I kept jumping up and going above the water line. Again.....thoughts of quitting and running back to the safety of the lounge chair sounded great! But I kept trying.... Anyways...after a while I just kneeled down and that seemed to be ok.
I somehow passed the tests that were asked of me...even though I was scared shitless doing them!
And so off we go...into the boat to take us to the dive site. During the boat ride I am starting to really freak myself out....I was shaking...but trying to maintain some type of composure for my husbands sake at least. The dive master Paul, says to me..."ok Allyson - so you & I are going to be dive buddies - and we'll stick together down there." Whew...did he really think I was going down alone?
We get to the dive site and the boats stop. And Paul is like...Ok lets go...sit on the ledge and fall backwards into the water! It's a good thing that I didn't think too long and hard about that 'cause I would never have done it...but I did it quickly and it was over and I was in. Thank God. Still alive.
The waves were crashing all around us and I kept getting sea water in my mouth but I was freaked out about keeping the regulator in my mouth and going down. We tried once and I panicked and up we went. I tried again and got a little further down and freaked...up we came. Finally Paul just pulled me down by my hand and that was that. I was under.
I tried my best to be brave, be seriously...I was a mess inside. Paul held my hand (the whole time, I might add) and off we swam....Anthony & Lorin and the rest of the group swam off and Paul and I hung out and he pointed out all kinds of great sea life. Very cool indeed.
So inside I am still a nervous wreck...remember here, that I am a crazy claustrophobic control freak with high blood pressure to boot! Probably not the best combination to have 40 feet under the water. I feel sick.
So I make some kind of motions to Paul that I feel sick...well shit - they didn't teach us those hand signals!!! I think he thinks that I am enjoying this!
But the puke is coming...I can feel it and I can't stop it......sure enough I rip the regulator out of my mouth (a HUGE no-no, of course!) and let er' rip....Paul is freaking and trying to shove the regulator back into my mouth...but I am not done puking so I flight him. Meanwhile I could be (should be) asphyxiating...on my way to DEAD! But finally I put the regulator back in and breathe...thank God! Paul looks slightly panic stricken...but I feel better. We are surrounded by my puke floating around us and the fish are we swim away and let them have their lunch.
We swim around some more and enjoy the sights...I was still freaked out but doing a little better. In hindsight it would have been safer to shit my pants underwater but who can choose?

The dive lasted about 40 minutes. I never once checked my air tank levels...bad me...but Paul did and he said I did amazing...most mothers do as they have been taught good breathing techniques for childbirth.
So it's time to go up...
Pull up the rope...slowly...I try not to panic and rush to the top...knowing that my lungs would explode.
I keep my breathing regulated...Ok - almost there...I can see the light....
I get to the top...pop my head out of the water...waves crashing all around us...and promptly puke again. and again. .
I get on the boat and puke some more.
My poor husband...I know he was proud of me...but I'm sorry he had to endure that.
So that was my very first ever scuba diving experience!
Fun and EXCITING times!!!
You know...even after all that I will do it again. It is a learned thing. And I have to learn to control my fears and my panic..and not just for scuba diving...for life itself!

We also went snorkeling and I was also sick in the water doing that...and on the boat! Weird! I have spent lots of time around boats so I'm not sure if it was just nerves or an upset stomach or seasickness...who knows. But this morning I did read about a bracelet that you wear that gives constant acupressure on your wrist that helps keep the sea sickness at bay.
I haven't looked at it yet but I will for our next trip around water!

I celebrated both my birthday & Mother's Day there and missed our club meet & Noah's competition...but you know was worth every minute of it.
By the way, my darling thoughtful, brought my birthday gift with him.
Beautiful diamond solitaire earrings..
a book on Love poems/quotes..
the new Van Morrison CD..
some really cute stationary..
and a card that brought tears to my eyes.
Wow...what a lovely bunch of gifts.
I guess I could forgive him for totally ignoring me on Valentines Day?

All in all...this was quite possibly one of the best vacations that Anthony & I have ever been on. It was 11 days of pure heaven. The town is so our style...laid back and low key...great restaurants, friendly people, beautiful beaches, the 2nd largest coral reef in the world....
We loved it so much, we are seriously thinking that we would like to buy one of the condos. And there are three for sale....

Stay tuned!

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