Sunday, April 20, 2008

I have a gym hangover.

What does that mean?
Well, you know when you drink too much and the next day feel like shit and swear you will never drink again?
Yeah - that's how I feel about the gym and gymnastics.

I still feel - I don't know......bad? disappointed? sad? frustrated? upset? regretful? uneasy?... about yesterdays competition. Probably all of the same things that Noah herself feels.

What does it all mean? Should this be it? The end? The last season? Is Noah done? Should she switch to a different sport?

Being 16th AA is just not ok with me. I know - what a bag I am. But really - Noah is better than freakin' 16th AA.
I am that A-Type person - my motto is don't do it at all if you can do it right! I hate the sub-standard. I AM that parent after all. ha ha
But I won't apologize for having a high standard. I have never, ever been that parent that says go have fun! No - if you want to be in a sport and "have fun", then go into a recreational program for an hour a week - or play a board game.
If you like a challenge and enjoy competing and winning then you should! And then that is your job. Obviously, it should not be unpleasant - but you are doing this job for an ultimate purpose.
But if you can't fulfill that purpose - then what?

She was prepared in the best way we could other than a sore back that we couldn't do much about. She was in a great mood the night before and the morning of. We told her - go out and do what you know how to do and do it clean. Not too much pressure - but enough for her to know that there is a certain expectation.
But everyone, at some point, has a bad day and if that bad day happens to fall on an important competition day...then what?

Ugh. I know all parents go through this - when should you call it the end?

Noah loves gymnastics and she has always been successful...but it is getting harder and harder to grasp that golden medal.
But is that when you give up?
NO - is what I might normally say. But I just don't know anymore.

What do her coaches think? Has she hit a wall she wont break through? Honestly, I don't know as they don't really communicate like that... so we never know where the expectations lie. I'm sure they are disappointed with her performance...(surely more than just disappointed?!) but what does that mean for her future? Will they just give up on her?

Or do we - together - try and turn this around and use it as a lesson and start now to make next year her best year ever?

Besides the fact that yesterday was awful and I am still slightly stunned at Noah's results...I just hate that gym some days. The drama, the crap, the problems....
My phone rang about 15 times while Noah was competing. (I had the ringer off - so I did not answer it during the meet) Who was calling so much? The gym and various gym parents. What did they want? Anything and everything. Their problems are my problems. And on top of that I came home to my usual daily inbox of emails - arguments, complaints and bitchiness mostly. Some days I just HATE IT!!!

We need to make some serious decisions about the fate of this gym club. There are so many things up in the air and needing to be done/decided. But first we need to hire someone to deal with this stuff on a daily basis. We need that person that the board relates to and they do the damn dirty work. It needs to be done and up until now, I have volunteered to be that person - but it is time to get this off my plate. Now to get the rest of The Board on board.

I think I will need more than just a Tylenol or two to get rid of this headache!

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