Wednesday, March 19, 2008

So, so busy....

I know, I know...I say it every time.
I'm so busy.
But maybe I just can't be anything but busy.
Maybe I go crazy when I sit still...

The past month has been eventful...Noah competed in her 4th meet of the season last weekend - The Jurassic Classic at the University of Calgary. It was a much better meet for her than last year. Last year was her first ever shut-out....not even a ribbon! What a wake up call moving up a level was. Now I think we are both better prepared but of course, the expectation is back. I sometimes look at her and think - she is just a kid - and yet she has so much pressure do succeed...but it's how she is. Yes, we want her to be successful, but so does she. Oh God! I really hope that I am NOT "that parent"! LOL
Anyways - she competed a cast-to-handstand/giant/layout-flyaway for THE FIRST TIME EVER on Bars! It was amazing to see. I remember when she was younger and we'd see other girls at the gym work on that skill and Anthony and I both thought that Noah would never get that far...and look at her now! But she had to fight for it...she could have bailed but she fought it and it was worth it, she ended up with silver! Yeah!
On beam she competed her back-walkover/back-handspring and stuck it. She did have a wobble on her full turn and a small step on her dismount, but she managed a tie for bronze.
Floor was ok - she didn't do a great warm up but she threw the round-off/back-handspring/full twist on her first tumbling line anyway and she made it all the way around, but then fell back on her heels, then her butt. It was a shame because she has a rockin' floor routine. But really - this meet doesn't "count"...but she does need to pull it off for Zones & Provincials.
Vault was vault - not great. She stayed on her feet and at least made an attempt at a difficult vault. There is work to do.
She was 5th overall. Not bad... with room for improvement.

Anthony has been busy dirt-biking (ALL the time) when he should be working on the North Haven house! It drives me nuts that it keeps getting put off and put off and put off. I just want to move!!! I guess the reality is that I WILL have to pack the Dalhousie house and THAT sucks!

Jordan is busy at school...thinking about all of the money he will make this summer...doing what? Who knows. He wants to leave his lovely job of the German store in order to save some cash. He needs $10,000 in the bank in order to apply for the 3rd year university German exchange program. We'll see. If he can stay out of the bars, maybe he would save more. Ah ha...who hasn't ever said that one! Ah to be that age again!

I am back at work and again in finance. I'm enjoying being in the non-profit sport sector still - and three days a week I can handle.
The gym is still overwhelming with the amount of work to never ends. We did hire someone to help with the recreational registrations and phone calls etc, so I hope that eases some of the work load. My term is up in 3 flies!

Taz is as awesome as usual - man I love that little guy. That personality is one of a kind - He is my BFF. he he Anthony has been so good at taking Taz and Sydney for 5k walks every morning...then Taz spends the rest of his day laying around the house exhausted! It's quite funny.

My sister Kathie comes back from Thailand in three weeks!!! YAY! I miss her so much! She is staying for just a month, then off to Jasper to work for the summer. But at least we can hang out for a month! And Jen and Laurie are off to Mexico for three weeks on Saturday....ah...that sounds like heaven!

We are invited to a wedding in Cancun in May but the wedding is on a Wednesday and Noah competes the Saturday night before and that Saturday after. What a dilemma. I have never missed a meet and I don't want to start now! Ugh. Mexico or gymnastics??? It's like having to choose between two children....impossible.

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