Sunday, June 17, 2007

I need a vacation!

My sister offered me such a cool opportunity to take a Caribbean cruise with her or to go to the Mexican Riviera for a week...but do you think we can coordinate our! UGH!
There is nothing more that I'd love than laying by a pool with a great book and a margarita in hand....ahhhhh.
I just can't swing it. Over the next two weeks we have our year-end stuff going on at the gym and our AGM...which I don't think I could skip. Noah is going to Texas for two weeks in July and I'm going with her as a volunteer at this gymnastics camp, then we'll be home for two weeks and then off to Europe, then home for two weeks and then off to Florida. I think this is quite an aggressive vacation strategy...but I guess it makes up for the lack of holidays we had last year.

Things are nutty at the gym....we are busy trying to do as much work in the new spaces as possible without having to go through too much red tape. We just need to get it operational so we can start using it and bringing in the income we'll need to pay the crazy rent! But that brings a million opinions and people getting pissed off that their ideas were not used etc. just can't make everyone happy...and they don't get that. Yet these are the same people that didn't want to step up and take the lead on the project...interesting, huh?

Taz is bad...have I mentioned that before? I am down another 4 shoes and Noah about 3. I can't find a single pencil in my house and every cord is chewed through. What a diverse palette my dog has. Plus since Jordan got home he has taken to peeing in the house again! GRRRRRRR! He is so cute but so damn bad!

We take possession of the new house couldn't be worse timing though. We are just so busy and to take on another project...yikes!

I'm excited that my GF Melissa is coming to town in two weeks! That'll be fun and that'll force me to slow down for at least a few days! But that does mean I'll have to clean my house. Hmmmm....gotta think about that trade off! LOL JK!

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