Thursday, May 31, 2007

Goodbye May....

Well, May has proven to be a busy month. Really, they are all that way, but with my birthday, Mother's day and gym meets most weekends it's flown by.

I actually gained 15 pound in the past two-three months. I am sure that it can only be attributed to gym stress though. Not a great time to pack on the pounds with summer banging at the door. I've been eating low carb the past 10 days though and feel carb cravings at all (thanks to my goji!!!) ...and I'm down 5-7 pounds...hopefully I can keep that up. It's hard having no cocktails I may cheat on that this weekend! ;)

With all of the stress of the gym lease and having to move I felt a little strangulated for a while there...but now we are staying in our same location but expanding into the two bays next to us. It is going to cost a fortune in rent...but it would be that way almost everywhere in we will just have to make the best of it. Now comes that toughest part...trying to get everyone to agree on how to develop the space...yikes. It has already proven argumentative...but Anthony has stepped up to be the project manager so hopefully it will run smoothly. I think I will try and take some before and after shots of the space.

Noah did our home clubs meet, then went to Okotoks, then Canmore and tonight we leave for Kelowna. It's been a busy but fun gymnastics month. The girls train all year long and live for these's nice to see it all come together. Then after this weekend our training groups will change a little but and we start the summer training...hopefully that means lots of new skills this year!!! Noah really needs a few new tricks for next year...full twist on floor, front layout on floor, cast to handstand on bars or free-hip circle to handstand on bars, cast to handstand - giant - layout flyaway on bars, back handspring on beam, round-off back-tuck dismount on beam, handspring full twist on vault....... It will be an interesting summer. Knock-on-wood that she remains injury free!!!
I think we have decided to go ahead and send her to a gymnastics camp in Texas in July plus she is invited to go to Austria in August to train at one of our former coaches gyms for a couple of weeks. Maybe those will be the boosts that she needs to kick it up a notch. Who knows!

Jordan is SUPPOSED to be graduating tomorrow!!! But he is staying in Germany for another week...actually he is in Malta...lucky bugger! But he gets home on the 7th...Noah's birthday and then he needs to find a way to make some money so he can afford to go back to Germany and go backpacking for the rest of the summer. What a life!

I can't remember if I mentioned that we bought another house. This one is in North Haven. We take possession in about three weeks. It is a 1150 sq. foot bungalow that we will rip the roof off and add a second story plus a double garage. While I do love living in Dalhousie, I think we will move there...even just for a year or so. It's about 10 minutes closer to the gym...but it is missing the close proximity to restaurants and shopping that we have here now. I love my Earls patio/martinis in the summer time you know!!!

Taz the Spaz is being a very bad dog. He has eaten about 6 pairs of my leather shoes, sandals and boots...and now he just ate a pair of Noah's brand new...worn once...leather ballet flats...$65.00 down the dogs throat! Grrrrrr...if he wasn't so darn cute........

Ok - I gotta run...I still need to finish packing, Noah has a chiropractor appointment, we are having lunch with the in-laws then Noah needs to be at the gym for 3:30 for a 2.5 hour training session before we fly out to Kelowna tonight! Cross your fingers for a gold-all-around!!!

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