Sunday, April 22, 2007

Time flies once again...

I am so bad.
I just cannot for the life of me prioritize my life.
How on earth have I let the past 5 weeks slip away...without even a single post to my blog? Bad me. Either my life is really crazy...or really boring! ha ha we are, April is almost over...what has been happening?

Besides our little mutt Taz...Gymnastics rules our life right now. I spend pretty much every weekday day in the office sorting out the messes that accumulate on a daily basis. Every afternoon, I head to Noah's school, grab her and head back to the gym where we stay until 8 pm most nights. While Noah trains, I continue on with my mission to sort out the disasters or listen to a multitude of parental complaints or when I am sick of it all I may indulge in watching Noah train for a while. I have to say, even though the coaches don't like it so much, I find it fascinating to watch what these girls can do. I love to see the progression of a skill...the attempts and frustration of trying something over and over again and never quite getting it, then all of a sudden it all comes together and wham! A new skill! So kewl!

Once we get home after gym it is usually close to 9pm...dinner usually still needs to be made and Noah will often have a bit of homework to sort out, after we eat she might get a quick massage or get something iced or have a bath and get to bed for 10pm.
At that point, I'm about ready to decompress.

I know, I know, I spend way, way too much time at that bloody gym, or at home doing something for the's beyond thankless, but I am too much of a "doer" to sit back and not do it! LOL
And besides, I believe in "pay-it-forward" and "what goes around-comes around"... and so I will continue to do what I do and hope that one day the universe will repay me. Ha!...tell THAT to my husband!

Other than that, but still gymnastics related....Noah has competed in quite a few meets...she qualified for the 2007 Provincials in Grande Prairie last month so we headed there for the competition...she did not get the results she was looking for, (9th All-Around) but I think she did well for the skills that she has. I know that she was disappointed, but that is the way it goes...she just has to get back in the gym and work at it some more. She did meet some personal goals of coming ahead of some of her she will have to take that and move on.
I will try and download and post some pictures soon.
I have been wanting to figure out how to load up videos too...but I have no patience to sit still and figure it out.

We have our home meet in 2 weeks, then a meet in Okotoks, a meet in Canmore and our final meet in Kelowna. A busy 5 weeks it will be....but this is what they train for all year...Noah loves to compete!

Jordan is still in can read his blog but please excuse the spelling...I told him how to use the spell-checker but I don't think he does. According to the blog posts, it doesn't sound like he does a whole heck of a lot of school work or studying...I guess we can see where his priorities are.
He is supposed to be coming home to graduate on May 30th, but his host family had already booked him a trip to Malta that same if he goes then he has to miss graduation and he gets to spend a fortune trying to change his (group) ticket.
Oh well. I am NOT paying. He is an adult now and he can sort it out himself.

Oh and we bought another house...another reno project. We take possession mid June. We keep threatening to sell this old house and move to one of the ones we buy and fix up but we never seem to. Maybe this time. Although the thought of sorting and packing and moving and unpacking thanks!

Well...Anth is home from his day of dirt biking...time to get back to life....


Anonymous said...

We are about to send our Daughter off to Africa for her exchange. On one hand I am very nervous, and the other truly excited for her. How do you do it?

Allyson said...

Ohhhh....AFRICA!?! How cool!
Now THAT would be harder...such unfamiliar territory. At least with Jordan, I grew up in Germany so doesn't seem so far away. And we also had the opportunity to have Jordan's exchange partners here we knew who he was going to be living with before he got there.
Was that the same way your daughters exchange was set up? Where in Africa is she going to be?

Anonymous said...

She has met a few people that toured western Canada last year from Namibia. And we have already hosted our end of the exchange. The family is delightful and I know she will be lovingly taken care of. She will actually be in Somerset which is right on the cape of South Africa. She will tour Namibia, and perhaps Botswana.