Friday, March 09, 2007

Bye Bye Jordan...

...or should I say good riddance? Ha Ha...just kidding!

Jordan, Noah & Anthony at the airport

Jordan left this afternoon for his second Alberta Learning exchange to Germany. One of his best girl-friends Emily is also on her way to Germany although staying with a different family in a different town. I'm sure that it will be nice to know someone else and I'm sure that they will be close enough to each other that they can connect a few times. Jordan seemed pretty laid back so that meant a lot less stress on my end...I guess he knows what to expect this time around. And he also had the opportunity to meet Markus' family when he was staying with Tim last year. Kinda cool!

Emily & Jordan

He will be gone for 3 months then flying home early to graduate, spend some time with us, get some work done on his braces and then head back to Europe for 2 months of backpacking with Emily & Lindsay. Ah...what a life!

We started him his own blog to keep us updated on his European check it out once he starts to update it ...

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