Monday, March 05, 2007


Well, the gymnastics competition went ok down in Vancouver. It was definitely fun to go to a meet elsewhere and compete against different kids. It is also nice for the parents to get away from the gym and socialize in a different atmosphere ...(read: hotel room/cocktails)

Anyways...since I still cannot get into my laptop to download the photos off of my camera, here are some that I bought...

These photos were taken during Noah's Floor Routine...what they don't show is that about 2/3 of the way through she had a brain freeze and forgot where she was and was so hard to watch her struggle. On her last tumbling line she was just bawling and the tears were flowing but she pushed through and completed the rest of her routine quite nicely. But she was devastated and I felt bad...but it is her lesson to learn and better that it happen here than at an important meet...and I'm sure it will never, ever happen again!
On a happier note, we also managed to see my cousin Kandis and her two that was a treat! I love Vancouver...and I'd love to live there again too...but there are so many downsides...rain, traffic, rain, housing prices, rain......


Allyson said...

I know...what a great shot! I'd blow it up for her, but I think she wants to forget all about that particular routine! LOL

Memory Junction said...

Looking great! That's a lot of people to be watching... I'd have a brain freeze too!