Friday, March 09, 2007

Bye Bye Jordan...

...or should I say good riddance? Ha Ha...just kidding!

Jordan, Noah & Anthony at the airport

Jordan left this afternoon for his second Alberta Learning exchange to Germany. One of his best girl-friends Emily is also on her way to Germany although staying with a different family in a different town. I'm sure that it will be nice to know someone else and I'm sure that they will be close enough to each other that they can connect a few times. Jordan seemed pretty laid back so that meant a lot less stress on my end...I guess he knows what to expect this time around. And he also had the opportunity to meet Markus' family when he was staying with Tim last year. Kinda cool!

Emily & Jordan

He will be gone for 3 months then flying home early to graduate, spend some time with us, get some work done on his braces and then head back to Europe for 2 months of backpacking with Emily & Lindsay. Ah...what a life!

We started him his own blog to keep us updated on his European check it out once he starts to update it ...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Rod Baby.....

I managed to get a date night in with DH last night...a first in a while. Our "dates" are usually breakfast out while on the way to do something! LOL
But last night was a goodie. DH bought me tickets to Rod Stewart for Christmas and threw in an awesome dinner at the Saltlik Steakhouse too!
I forgot how bad the traffic could be around the Saddledome and the parking situation was it took an extra 20 minutes to get into a spot (and pay $10.00 to park in a giant mud nice) and then another 10 minutes to walk all around the crazy construction and piles of mud. We were thinking that we'd just miss a bit of the opening act, but alas...there wasn't one! So we missed about 15 minutes of Rod. :(

The seats were pretty good...but not that close considering that DH bought the tickets the day they went on sale. And I think I was sitting next to Rod's biggest fan....a nice middle aged fellow who could sing every song (with about 35 % accuracy) at the top of his lungs and rock it out in his seat like no other..... At least he drowned me out! he he The best song of the always...Maggie May...mmmmmm...LOVE that song!

The concert rocked...although it seemed short. A mere 2 hours! I could have listened for at least another hour. And I don't care how old he is...he is still sexy to me! Raaaarrrrr!

Geeezzz....I clearly remember being 7 years old and rockin' it out to "Do ya think I'm sexy"...can't you just picture that! ha ha I'd made up all kinds of dance routines with my friend Candace and we'd practice over and over and over again. My poor family had to endure Rod Stewart music and dance routines/shows for years...until Grease came out! ha ha ha

I also went to see Rod Stewart when he was here back in the 90's....I went with a bunch of cool chicks from work, rented a limo and had an absolutely fantastic time being cool chicks! Ah the good-ol-days! Remember that?!

I was a little mellower this time around...OH MY GOD...Am *I* middle-aged??? Hmmmmm...

Anyways...that was a real treat! Thanks honey!

Monday, March 05, 2007


Well, the gymnastics competition went ok down in Vancouver. It was definitely fun to go to a meet elsewhere and compete against different kids. It is also nice for the parents to get away from the gym and socialize in a different atmosphere ...(read: hotel room/cocktails)

Anyways...since I still cannot get into my laptop to download the photos off of my camera, here are some that I bought...

These photos were taken during Noah's Floor Routine...what they don't show is that about 2/3 of the way through she had a brain freeze and forgot where she was and was so hard to watch her struggle. On her last tumbling line she was just bawling and the tears were flowing but she pushed through and completed the rest of her routine quite nicely. But she was devastated and I felt bad...but it is her lesson to learn and better that it happen here than at an important meet...and I'm sure it will never, ever happen again!
On a happier note, we also managed to see my cousin Kandis and her two that was a treat! I love Vancouver...and I'd love to live there again too...but there are so many downsides...rain, traffic, rain, housing prices, rain......