Tuesday, January 09, 2007

9 days later...

So it's the 9th of January....lets see how I am doing on my 2007 goals/resolutions so far....

Keep in better contact with far-away family. - HMMMM...meant to send a New Years e-mail to all...didn't do it.
Make an effort to be more social. - Had lunch with a friend!
Go out on the occasional date…with DH! - Ah ha! We did go out for dinner one night and a movie on another night! Not bad, eh?!

Set goals everyday! - Hmmmm. I have made some lists but not done everything on them.
Be more flexible and open to new ideas. - I have not been presented any new ideas to be open or flexible about.
Spend more time on business than volunteering.
(that is going to be a tough one...so I'll add "or at least the same amount of time...!" ) - Oh good Lord! NOT!!! Friday I spent 9 1/2 hours volunteering, yesterday 15 1/2 hours, 12 hours today. That is total madness! I KNOW!!!

Remember my Goji everyday. - YES! Score a full point for me! I love that stuff though...so it's easy!
Get back on track with fitness…at least remember to correct bad posture. - Nope and nope! However...I have been coaching gymnastics this week....That is a something at least!
Cut back on white sugar and white flour. - Hmmmm. No, not that either.
Eat out less. - I think this has been better. I have only been at Tims about 2.5 times a day.
Drink more water. - Nope. Bad girl!

Organize my house. - Ha!
Purge junk. - Ha ha!!
Buy new furniture for living room. - Haven't even looked.
Cook more. - Um....no. That was a bad idea in the first place!
Attempt to de-clutter my life/house. - Hmmmmm...not doing too good here!

Stress less and be happy! - Maybe this would be better if people were competant.
Read more books. - No time!
Make more of an effort in my wardrobe – less jeans and t-shirts! - How about strechy yoga pants and t-shirts?
Scrapbook more pages than I did last year. - Haven't even sat at my SB desk.
Submit something...anything. - Nada.
Work on my photography skills. (Take a class or read the freakin' manual at least!) - Where is that damn camera anyway?
Try not to procrastinate too much! (However, I still believe the following statement: "If it's worth doing, it will get done eventually.") - No COMMENT!

Do more of it! - Love to...when do we leave?

Monday, January 01, 2007

The first day of my new life...

Ha Ha Ha...isn't that what everyone says on News Years Day?

Seriously though...I am planning on making some big changes in my world.

Here are some of my goals/resolutions for 2007:

Keep in better contact with far-away family.
Make an effort to be more social.
Go out on the occasional date…with DH!

Set goals everyday!
Be more flexible and open to new ideas.
Spend more time on business than volunteering.
(that is going to be a tough one...so I'll add "or at least the same amount of time...!" )

Remember my Goji everyday.
Get back on track with fitness…at least remember to correct bad posture.
Cut back on white sugar and white flour.
Eat out less.
Drink more water.

Organize my house. Purge junk.
Buy new furniture for living room.
Cook more.
Attempt to de-clutter my life/house.

Stress less and be happy!
Read more books.
Make more of an effort in my wardrobe – less jeans and t-shirts!
Scrapbook more pages than I did last year.
Submit something...anything.
Work on my photography skills. (Take a class or read the freakin' manual at least!)
Try not to procrastinate too much! (However, I still believe the following statement: "If it's worth doing, it will get done eventually.")

Do more of it!

I hope to add to this list as the weeks go on as I think of other goals.


Goodbye 2006 - Hello 2007!