Wednesday, December 06, 2006


This afternoon DH and I went to the new house to continue packing up and hauling out all of the garbage and furniture. We had a window guy come out to measure the broken glass and order the needed pieces...hopefully that will come in soon as the wind blows right through the house now! DH has already started working on patching all of the drywall damages too. It looks like it's coming along...slowly but surely...

Front of house...window in the bonus room above the garage needs to be replaced...

Back has a great deck and a pond with a really just needs some TLC.

Master Bathroom and bedroom...

This will be Noah's room...

Down the stairs to the main floor...


Living Room....

Den...AKA My Scrapbook Room....

Dance Studio...for Noah!

Basement Bedroom....

Basement area...

These pictures don't even tell the whole is really quite gross.
Once we get some more work done I will post more pictures!


Memory Junction said...

O*M*God! I can't believe they left all that sh*t and did all that damage! Nice house though! What potential... and I gotta tell you, I LOVE THAT KITCHEN! Same colours as what I want when I redo mine! Can't wait to see it in real life sista!

Allyson said...

Come on out for a visit anytime!!!